Red envelopes, also known as red packets, are given out to children and singles as a form of blessing during the Chinese New Year. These red packets can also be cut into various patterns and used for decorating the home for the Spring Festival. These craft pieces are very popular during this season and are cost-friendly as well. Many people have come up with creative designs, combining several of these red packets to form Chinese lanterns, fishes or balls to be hung up in the house. The designs introduced below are far simpler by comparison, requiring only 1 red packet. These are best hung on plants, and are not meant as a center piece.

The swirl design (for lack of a better name)

You will need: 
1 pair of scissors
A stapler
A red packet

First take a red packet.

       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |       
Fold it in half. Most red packets have some pictures on 
the front. Fold it so that the back of the red packet faces 
each other and the design can be seen.      
       |          |          
       |          |          
       |          |          
       |          |------Design showing in front          
       |          |          
       |          |          
   --- |          |          
   |   |          |          
 back  |          |          
 of    |          |          
 packet|          |          
 hidden|          |          
       |          |          
       |          |          
       |          |          

Using the pair of scissors, cut the red packet so:
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----| (Design showing in front)          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|         
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
                  |____ The packet is folded here.

Open the red packet up.            
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----| (Design showing in front)          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|         
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
       |     -----|          
       |          |          
                  |____ The packet is folded here.

       | a                 b |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |                     |
       |     -----------     |     
       |c                  d |       
Touch points a and d together.       

Make sure one side overlaps the other, and staple.

Attach a string to either b or c. Your decoration is ready.

As this is a small item, it is best hung on plants rather
than by itself. Think of it as the Chinese equivalent of 
a Christmas tree decoration.

The fish design 

You will need: 
1 pair of scissors
A stapler (preferably with red staples)
A needle 
Red thread
A red packet

Take the red packet. Most red packets are rectangular in 
shape, so it is neccessary to trim it into a square. If your 
packet is already a sqaure, skip this step.

       |      Top            |
       |                   --------Back of packet
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |-------------------b | 
       |                     |
       |                     s
       |                     i
       |                     d
       |                     e
       |                    II
       |                     |
       |a     Bottom         |       
        -------side I--------

How to trim your red packet into a square: 
Take point a, and fold it diagonally such that side I aligns 
with side II. It will form a triangle with point a touching 
point b. Cut along that line.

       |      Top            |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
        -------------------------Cut to make a square.
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |      Bottom         |       

                    |------ Open mouth 
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |      Bottom         |       

Your packet will now have 1 open mouth and 3 sealed sides.
Using your scissors, cut side II open.
                    |------ Open mouth 
       |                     |
       |                     s
       |                     i
       |          Z          d --- Open mouth
       |                     e
       |                    II
       |                     |
       |      Bottom         |       

Then cut from point X to point Z in a straight line. (Point 
Z being the center of the red packet square. My diagram 
isn't very accurate here.)

                    |------ Open mouth 
       |                   . |
       |             P   .   |
       |               .     |
       |            Z     Q  |--- Open mouth
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |      Bottom         |       

The separate pieces P and Q are now going to be part of your 
fish's tail. Remember that on the flip side, there is also 2 
other P and Q pieces. We will name them P1 and Q1.

From this point on it will not be possible for me to draw the 

Take P and Q. (Not P and P1).

Cross them as far as possible. The tips of P and Q should 
stick out as much as possible.

Your fish will bulge out in the center.

Take P1 and Q1 and do the same. 

Then placing the two halves of the tail so that as little of 
the inside shows, staple both P and Q with P1 and 
Q1 in the best position.

                    |------ Open mouth 
       |                   . |
       |             P   .   |
       |               .     |
       |            Z     Q  |--- Open mouth
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |                     |
       |      Bottom         |       
If you did it correctly, points R and S should be the fins, 
and point H the head of the fish.

Thread the needle with the red thread and pass it through 
either of the fins. You can then hang it up on a plant.