German cartoonist and writer. Born in Mönchengladbach in 1957. He began in the 80s drawing cartoons, a lot of them about funny and disgusting stuff like drinking too much, vomiting, fishy sexual practices and drugs. I remember one strip with a woman who lived with animals rescued from laboratories, and there was an animal leaving a slime trace because his digestion tract had been "cloned off". Another favorite is the one about the guy who wakes after a drunken night and can´t remember anything, then his buddy calls telling him what an absolute asshole he´d made of himself, culminating in breaking into a shop to get more booze. However, his best known comic strips are about Das kleine Arschloch (the little asshole), which even made it to be a film. Also have a look at Adolf, the Nazi Pig.

Later he started writing his famous Käpt´n Blaubär for the German kid´s television programme Die Sendung mit der Maus. It´s about an old Jack Tar, telling quite clever yarn to his three nephews. It evolved to a book, Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt´n Blaubär (1999), which is by far the most humorous modern German novel that I know about. If you know German, a must-read. There´s also a film (from 1997). Unfortunately, I don´t know of translations. In 1994 he wins the Adolf-Grimme-Price for design and idea of Käpt´n Blaubär. His latest book is called Rumo und Die Wunder im Dunkeln.

Walter Moers claims to have gathered all his crazy ideas when watching too much television when he was young.



Have a look at Käpt´n Blaubär at:

And there´s a fan page (in German) at:

Source: above websites and