A mystical and mythical writing quill, imbued with ancient enchantments that transcend the ordinary laws of both Magic and Science.  Few, if any, know the exact number created, or even still extant.

"Feathers shall raise men even as they do birds towards heaven: That is by letters written with their quills."
-- Leonardo da Vinci

   The Quill of Veritas is no ordinary writing instrument, oh no. Its slender shaft is crafted from the gnarled wood of an ancient oak, the length of which is etched with intricate patterns that seem to shift and dance when touched. The nib, made of an iridescent one-winged angel feather, glimmers with a soft luminescence. Legends say that the quill's creator, the elusive Inkweaver, vanished from the scrolls of history, leaving behind only riddles. Competing myths claim that either Knig of Tyops or Titivillus makes them in a sweatshop located somewhere in the great state of Texas.

The Inkwell of Infinite Imagination is sometimes, but not usually, found with a Quill of Veritas alongside. More often than not, a separate side quest is required to obtain one. The inkwell is an unobtainium vial, with contents that shimmer like liquid stardust. When uncorked, the room fills with a heady scent: a blend of crushed moonflowers, forgotten dreams, and the whispers of distant galaxies. And chocolate. (Don't forget the chocolate.) The ink is not merely pigment; it's the essence of creation itself. Each drop contains the potential to reshape reality. The inkwell replenishes at dawn, server time, drawing energy from cosmic alignments. But beware: it hungers for the emotions, memories, and dreams of those who use it.

To wield the quill, one must focus their intent. Whether on parchment, air, or even the fabric of existence, the nib dances, leaving ephemeral trails of light. Words written with the Quill of Veritas become truth. Want to fly? Write "I soar on wings of light." The laws of gravity yield, and one ascends. Be cautious, though. Every alteration has consequences. Change too much, and the fabric of reality frays for the quill demands balance. For every creation, an equal sacrifice occurs. Write a new sunrise, and a sunset fades. Mend a broken heart, and another breaks. The user may not even be aware of the repercussions, but the nodegel will know. And never use it to write the word, defenestrate.

The Quill of Veritas has guardians; ancient sages who ensure its responsible use. Seekers must pass trials involving empathy, wisdom, and humility. The quill also whispers secrets such as the location of lost city of Atlantis, the cure for incurable diseases, or how to monetize the eschaton. But it also reveals forgotten tragedies and unhealed wounds, or so it is written (by William Shakespeare, I believe).

At the quill's tip lies the ultimate choice:

Will it be used to rewrite one's own story or to mend the world's fractures?

So, dear noder, please wield the Quill of Veritas wisely - for with great power comes great responsibility.

Extremely synergistic when used in combination with any of the following:

Know wielders currently are C-Dawg and maxClimb.