A nodeshell?!

O good heavens.

This...this gem of the filmmaker's art deserves more...so much more.

This movie was written (the story), directed, and musically composed by John Carpenter. It is an indescribable romp through several of America's favorite movie genres, including (but never limited to):

No, really, I swear I am not making this up. Our hero is a red-blooded all-American man named...

"Nah, you know what old Jack Burton always says at a time like this?"
(annoyed)"JACK BURTON. Me!"

...Jack is drawn into a nightmare world of sorcery, magic, Egg Foo yung, beauty, ditsy-ness, sewage and - oh yeah - martial art when he agrees to help his friend Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) pick up his long-awaited love at SFO. In a scene of delicate savagery and exquisite violence, she is kidnapped before their eyes by a group of punks known as the Lords of Death. Chasing the malfeasants back to San Francisco Chinatown in Jack's big rig The Pork Chop Express, the pair turn...

"Go right, down that alley! Lords of Death down that way!"
"What alley!?!?!"
-shuddering scream of rubber-

...into the side alleys which hide an entirely different world of ancient evil and treachery. Jack is a dab hand with his boot knife, which is a good thing, because...

"First time you ever plug somebody?"
"'Course not!"

...guns are of little use against The Three Storms:

...played here by these three huge Chinese gentlemen with enough muscle to stuff Mike Tyson into a tennis ball can, in the case of Thunder; enough juice to light up Inner City Detroit on All Hallow's Eve in the case of Lightning (who also has a cool-ass ride-the-lightning-bolt trick) and enough girlish good looks in the case of Rain to make a man doubt his heteros...er, okay, not.

Actually, despite the fact that it's apocryphal trivia, this movie makes a great deal of sense as a Buckaroo Banzai sequel (which is what rumors say the script was originally for); if David Lo Pan was intended to be Xoi Han, leader of the World Crime League...but anyway, if you've ever wanted to see Kurt Russell doing a John Wayne impersonation...

This has it all!


Midair Flying Swordfights!

Chases! Escapes! True Love! (waitaminit...)

"What's that say?"
"Hell of Boiling Oils."
(grins)"Yeah I am, it says 'Keep Out.'"

But don't worry, because you're with the Chang Sing now; remember your L-shaped salute, and keep with you your Six-Demon Bag and your Magic Potion! You can see things no one else can see; do things no one else can do! As the night roars on like the badly-tuned engine of Egg Shen's tour bus, you'll find yourself in sewers, in storehouses, in prisons, and finally inside the evil neon-lit rock-and-roll fortress beneath the depths of the City before returning to the comparative safety of the Dragon of the Black Pool.

Where else will you get quotes like:

"It's all up to you now, Jack. My destiny rests in your capable hands."


"What's that?"
"Black Blood of the Earth."
"What, you mean oil?"
"I mean Black Blood of the Earth!"


"Ching-Dai, The God of the East-"
"No, Mr. Burton, not me...My demon! The god I must appease to regain my heart and my blood!"
"So you can go on to rule the universe from beyond this grave...?"
"Or check into a psycho ward, whichever comes first, hah?"
"'Jack' what, I'm supposed to buy this shit? Ten thousand years and he can't find one chick to fit the bill? C'mon, Dave, you must be doing something seriously wrong."

So be vigilant. Be careful. Keep your sword ready, and your mind and your body and your spirit as one; for only then will you survive-

Big Trouble
...in Little China!

There is a hilarious pseudo plot hole in this movie. The evil sorcerer Lo Pan needs a green eyed woman to complete his evil ritual and he keeps sending his goons to China to seek one out for said ritual. He captures the Chinese Miao and later the European Gracie who both have green eyes. This results in him choosing to sacrifice Gracie and keep Miao which means that the sacrifice didn't need to be Chinese. Green eyes make up two percent of the global population and women make up half so one percent of all people on Earth are green eyed women. One would not be hard to find in a city the size of 1980s San Francisco.

It seems from the amassed fortune that Lo Pan has been playing the part of a business man and triad boss for the better part of a century and in that time not one of his subordinates have taken the initiative to ask if the green eyed woman has to come from China. The ladies had to survive the ritual of the burning sword but if Lo Pan were killing a few green eyed women every week in San Fransisco that would have been brought up by the reporter. He acts astounded when he sees Gracie. He actually doesn't know it's common!

I called this a pseudo plot hole because it's absurd to imagine that in his centuries of life Lo Pan would never learn that four percent of the USA population fit his initial criteria. That absurdity is very in keeping with the tone of the movie and with the shenanigans that happen to him and his organizations. He could have conquered the world a century ago with an ad in the paper.


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