Node | Time | Linker |
Axiom of Continuum (idea) | 2013-01-17@18:42 | futilelord |
How I learned to stop worrying and love statistics (idea) | 2012-06-13@16:34 | futilelord |
Project Euler (thing) | 2010-11-28@15:10 | Oolong |
Accretion disk (thing) | 2010-02-28@13:23 | Singing Raven |
transitive property (idea) | 2009-11-30@4:41 | allispaul |
sheaf theory (idea) | 2009-11-30@4:19 | allispaul |
dispersion relation (thing) | 2009-03-11@13:08 | Singing Raven |
Stirling's Formula (recipe) | 2009-02-07@11:32 | Singing Raven |
a generalization of the fundamental theorem of symmetric functions (idea) | 2008-01-02@18:47 | Oolong |
the smallest number that looks prime but isn't (idea) | 2007-12-23@23:40 | redbaker |
Buffon's Needle (thing) | 2007-12-04@23:54 | jrn |
Post's correspondence problem (idea) | 2007-05-01@16:53 | redbaker |
undefined mathematical expression (idea) | 2007-04-01@9:26 | waverider37 |
SOHCAHTOA (idea) | 2006-11-29@0:32 | waverider37 |
Hybrid (thing) | 2006-11-29@0:28 | waverider37 |
fiber bundle (idea) | 2006-06-08@22:40 | jrn |
exponential map (idea) | 2006-05-26@16:22 | ariels |
Lie derivative (idea) | 2006-05-18@18:56 | unperson |
recurring decimal (thing) | 2006-05-12@19:01 | jrn |
tangent space (thing) | 2006-05-12@3:41 | jrn |
totally disconnected (idea) | 2006-04-26@5:00 | jrn |
totally disconnected (thing) | 2006-04-26@4:46 | jrn |
positional notation (idea) | 2006-03-31@2:50 | jrn |
every partial order can be extended to a total order (thing) | 2006-03-23@21:24 | jrn |
Steiner's Problem (thing) | 2006-03-20@2:20 | jrn |
topology (idea) | 2006-03-16@19:30 | jrn |
Bisecting a circle with a line (idea) | 2006-03-09@21:42 | jrn |
Truth table (idea) | 2006-01-26@22:24 | jrn |
Penrose Tiles (idea) | 2005-12-16@4:21 | Swap |
creases | 2005-11-06@5:59 | Arviragus |
computable number (idea) | 2005-10-29@1:26 | unperson |
The Man who Loved Only Numbers (person) | 2005-10-14@5:30 | Eidolos |
abundant number (idea) | 2005-10-10@5:25 | ariels |
perfect number (idea) | 2005-08-31@4:41 | eien_meru |
Julia Set (thing) | 2005-08-14@20:40 | Kit |
Midy's Theorem (idea) | 2005-08-09@6:06 | ariels |
Multiplication using the Fast Fourier Transform (idea) | 2005-07-13@1:16 | Brontosaurus |
double integral (idea) | 2005-07-12@18:18 | redbaker |
Risk (idea) | 2005-06-15@5:52 | Leucosia |
I may be cold and calculating, but that doesn't make me a computer (thing) | 2005-06-03@14:57 | Sontra |
I love math (idea) | 2005-06-01@23:53 | eien_meru |
Tensor (thing) | 2005-05-29@7:03 | Sontra |
brachistochrone (thing) | 2005-05-20@19:02 | redbaker |
Method of least squares (idea) | 2005-05-11@6:30 | ariels |
linear differential equation (thing) | 2005-04-24@21:06 | eien_meru |
Banach limit (thing) | 2005-04-24@17:48 | Eidolos |
oracle Turing machine (idea) | 2005-03-21@18:10 | ariels |
Jacobian Matrix (idea) | 2005-03-05@1:36 | N-Wing |
Presburger Arithmetic (idea) | 2005-02-24@11:54 | ariels |
Green's function (idea) | 2005-02-22@23:54 | redbaker |
monotone convergence theorem (thing) | 2005-02-06@3:33 | Swap |
God made the integers, all else is the work of man (idea) | 2005-01-30@2:45 | Swap |
Canonical representation of polynomials (idea) | 2005-01-15@16:41 | Eidolos |
Analytic proof of the Baire category theorem (idea) | 2005-01-08@6:16 | ariels |
7 color torus (thing) | 2004-12-06@2:13 | Swap |
Calculus of variations (idea) | 2004-11-21@5:52 | Swap |
elliptic curve (thing) | 2004-11-20@13:43 | ariels |
Line with two origins (idea) | 2004-11-11@23:44 | Swap |
Cauchy principal value (idea) | 2004-11-04@18:56 | Swap |
Convolution (idea) | 2004-11-04@2:27 | vuo |
Stieltjes integral (idea) | 2004-10-12@9:17 | ariels |
Ramsey's theorem (idea) | 2004-09-09@15:50 | ariels |
Euler line (thing) | 2004-09-08@12:02 | ariels |
finite field (thing) | 2004-09-05@20:56 | Brontosaurus |
fractional dimension (thing) | 2004-09-04@10:44 | Brontosaurus |
truncation error (thing) | 2004-09-02@14:38 | Swap |
vector field (idea) | 2004-08-30@18:02 | vuo |
elliptic integral standard forms (idea) | 2004-08-24@21:11 | Swap |
square root (thing) | 2004-08-19@0:17 | N-Wing |
Peano monster curve (idea) | 2004-08-09@5:03 | ariels |
Frobenius' theorem (idea) | 2004-08-03@22:34 | Swap |
Abel's Impossibility Theorem (idea) | 2004-07-12@20:49 | Swap |
Laguerre's method (idea) | 2004-06-27@23:06 | Swap |
Probability matrix (idea) | 2004-06-24@21:53 | redbaker |
analytical engine (thing) | 2004-06-19@4:44 | redbaker |
Slide rule (thing) | 2004-06-11@8:22 | TanisNikana |
metric tensor (thing) | 2004-05-25@17:54 | redbaker |
E2 does MathML | 2004-04-22@14:04 | Swap |
Radon-Nikodym Theorem (thing) | 2004-04-22@6:31 | ariels |