Brian Michael Bendis is an unrepentant Egoist whose letter columns generally consist of his bragging about recent projects and his mockery of the letters sent him. He recently published 2 pages of spanish, not because he had any idea what it said, but precisely because he didn't and thought it looked cool.
That said, Bendis is a diehard fan of good dialogue. He's said that there are two kinds of dialogue in comics: One, the majority, simply exists to forward the plot, and aside from character personalities which affect the manner of the conversation, display no actual detail other than that which is required to forward whatever plot is desired... whether that is background detail about the bad-guy, where the next fight is going to be, or romantic trouble between the bad guy, and his girlfriend, who wants equal time.
(This is not a paraphrase or quote, just an explanation.)
The other type of dialogue exists because it's what the characters, or even real people, would say. Space is wasted on pauses, on "um's", and the like. People fabricate and dance around the subject, shoot the shit, and generally live, and let the images which make the comic medium what it truly is help push the plot forward, rather than just being flashy background.
Though Bendis is certainly tops when it comes to flashy background. His Jinx line of comics, Goldfish, Jinx, Fire, and Torso are all a mix between well drawn, semi-realistic characters, and well placed photo work of real images, congruently mixed into the frame to give a somewhat jolting view of a world just distant from this one. Noirish, jumbled, but still somehow strikingly real.
His current projects include several monthly works for Marvel Comics, including Ultimate Spiderman, where his gift for gab serves the Web Slinger rather well, and Powers, for which atesh has already written a rather striking node, which you should visit if you have not already.
Word has it that he will also be writing the MTV spin-off of the Spider-man movie, which will continue from the continuity of the film, rather than the Ultimate Spiderman comics.
What is perhaps most important to remember about Bendis, much like James Robinson, is that he writes about people, (some of whom are superheros) rather than situations, thus elevating the medium a bit more toward the oft refered "Graphic Novel".