We all like to feel good, and to look good. But not all of us are willing, or able, to spend the kind of money that seems to be necessary in order to keep ourselves in good nick.

Below are some recipes for easy to make facials, make from ingredients that can either be found in any kitchen or can be purhcased for little cost (and you can usually eat what you don't use).

A few things to remember:

  • Always apply facials, face masks or creams to clean, dry skin.
  • Never rub or pull your skin, especially around the eyes - when drying your face after washing, always pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
  • Use tepid to warm water on all occasions, except when trying to deliberately open or close pores.
  • If you are prone to allergies, try a little bit of every product your use on the inside of your wrist or the base of your throat before applying to face.

Keep young and beautiful!

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