When falling victim to the notoriously, embarrassing nosebleed there is a simple and effective cure.

First, take your thumb and forefinger and pinch firmly at the bridge of the nose ABOVE THE NOSTRILS

Next, sit down and lean your head slightly down. DO NOT lean your head back, like is commonly suggested. This will only cause the blood to drip down your throat, and too much blood in the stomach will cause nausea and possible vomiting.

Continue pinching with your head slightly down in the seated position for a few minutes. This will stop the nosebleed in the quickest and safest manner.

As far as anime and manga are concerned, a nosebleed indicates that a character is experiencing strong feelings of lust (usually for a particular person, but not necessarily). One theory behind this symbol is that the rapid acceleration of one's heartbeat causes a rise in blood pressure, which causes the afflicted one's nose to bleed. Another is that nosebleeds are a metaphor for ejaculation, as lj has pointed out below.

It should be noted that nosebleeds usually happen to male characters upon seeing certain female characters, particularly if said female character is exhibiting large amounts of fan service. I've yet to see a female character nosebleed, although I'm sure it has happened at some point. (This gives credence to the ejaculation theory, which is starting to sound more correct all the time. I salute you, lj.)

The nosebleed is one of a group of stylized indicators to denote emotion in anime and manga, and is usually used in more light-hearted moments, particularly with super deformed art. Other indicators include the vein-throb, the sweat-drop and the facefault.

The anime nosebleed as a symbol of lust or arousal isn't caused by high blood-pressure, it's a metaphor for ejaculation. Presumably because the nose is both visible, and socially acceptable...

Western films usually go for phallic imagery, however... trains going into tunnels, rockets taking off, etc...

Dear god, did I just write this?

Yes, Yes you did...

A New Ritual

The first nosebleed
a shock
to wake in the dark to the warmth
knowing something was wrong
acting before thoughts formed
bright red
a warning
take care of yourself
do something
make it stop The second, a night later,
much calmer
(how odd to adjust so quickly
to the startling crimson gushing
as though it were natural)
press here; wait.
Later rinse the stains away with hot water
it's over;
it will be okay.
I wrote this back in 1991.
This seemed a good place for it to live.

Nosebleeds are a common problem for a lot of people. Sometimes these nosebleeds can become very frightening for not only the person experiencing them but the people around them. But there is major alarm to get worried as nosebleeds are very rarely dangerous. They can also be very embarrassing because you have to take care of it and it is rather gross. But they really don't have to be. Here are some common causes and fixes for nosebleeds.

The cause of nosebleeds:

Your noise contains many tiny blood vessels that are very close to the surface of your skin. Because of this any blow to your noise can cause the vessels to break and start a nosebleed. Other things besides a blow that can cause a nosebleed is hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, high atmospheric pressure, sinus infection, or even what we all know as the common cold. Also we all know that nose picking can cause nosebleeds as well. Using antihistamines for too long can often times also cause bleeding, especially when you blow your nose.

Types of nosebleeds:

Anterior Nosebleed: This is the most common type of nosebleed. This is where the bleeding starts in the lower part of the septum. The blood comes from the front of the nose and will usually travel out one nostril. Sometimes both nostrils.

Posterior Nosebleed: This type of nosebleed is rather rare. It starts in the back of the nose and the blood will usually run down the person's mouth and throat even when he/she is standing or sitting.

Taking care of nosebleeds

Step 1: Stay standing or sitting and DO NOT tilt your head back. By tilting your head back the blood may run down your mouth and/or throat.
Step 2: Blow your nose gently once to remove any clotted blood that may be keeping your blood vessels open.
Step 3: Pack your noise with cotton or gauze or something soft. Adding petroleum jelly to the soft tissue or cotton may help.
Step 4: Pinch your nose shut for 10 minutes without letting go at all. If the bleeding doesn't stop in 10 minutes try for another 10 minutes. If it still doesn't stop consult a doctor ASAP.

Stopping nosebleeds before they start:

If you get nosebleeds often here are a few things you might want to try.

  • Try to not use aspirin, or any pain reliever containing aspirin, especially during a nosebleed. It thins your blood.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  • Keep your blood pressure under control. Hypertension raises your chance for nosebleeds.
  • Try to stay away from smoke, smoking can cause nasal passages to dry up.
  • Try not to abuse antihistamines. They too can cause dryness.
  • Use lubricated tissues to blow your nose and try not to blow too hard.
  • The use of a saline nasal spray can help with dryness.

Nose"bleed` (?), n.


A bleeding at the nose.

2. Bot.

The yarrow. See Yarrow.


© Webster 1913.

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