Do you really want to send mpruett a message saying you like their work?
"O2 was formed in November 2001 following a demerger from British Telecommunications plc. O2 brings together the expertise of five national mobile networks - BT Cellnet in the UK, Digifone in Ireland, Manx Telecom on the Isle of Man, Telfort in the Netherlands and Viag Interkom in Germany - and Genie, the international fixed and mobile internet portal. "
Carrying the tone of this node, I do not give a flying toss about the hip, new groovy name for the network. I always thought "Digifone" sounded kinda cool, but every freaking network in Ireland and the UK seems to be changing their name at the moment.
The Silicon Graphics O2 workstation was launched in 1996. It features a MIPS R5000, R10000, or R12000 microprocessor, integrated graphics, audio, and video, as well as a media coprocessor known as VICE (Video Image Compression Engine).
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