In considering what a "platonic blowjob" would be, we must consider Plato's idea of love. He thought that the ideal form of love was a deeply felt, non-physical relationship between a man and a (preferably pre-pubescent) boy; this would be somewhat like a modern homosexual couple that has entered a civil union but maintains abstinence. (at least that's what he says through Socrates in The Republic). Sexual activity was not to enter into that relationship.
Sex belonged in the relationship between man and wife. He didn't think men should love their wives and hence didn't go too deeply into that relationship, but it seems to me that he would have accepted blowjobs in two cases: 1) to prepare the man for coitus so that he and his wife can produce children and 2) to satisfy the man's urges when the wife was pregnant or children were not wanted.
In summary, sex was for making babies, love was for men and little boys, and blowjobs were for relieving sexual tension. Sounds good to me.