Operating systems run applications on logically independent computers using protection mechansims. When an application tries to access something not part of its logical machine, it causes an error. Windoze calls this
a General Protection Fault.

Also, slang for birth control.

A euphemism for a condom as if they could actually protect you from many of the side effects of sex.

In Rock climbing: A general term referring to anything you place or use in the rock that, in the event of a fall, will serve to stop you from hitting the ground.

This includes everything from: Slings tied through holes in the rock, and around tree trunks or roots;
Nuts and Hexes, asymmetrically shaped pieces of metal with a steel cord that you place in a choke point in a crack;
Cams, similar to nuts in that they are placed in cracks, however these use a mechanical action to expand to the size needed, and don't necessarily require a choke point;
Pitons, Small metal wedges that are hammered into a crack, Not especialy common anymore as their use tends to damage a rock;
And finally, Bolts, NEVER placed by anyone but the first ascender, as they are a PERMANANT fixture and change to the rock.

What all these have in common is that they are attached to the rope via a carabiner, or two carabiners and a sling, called a Runner, to the rope. In the event of a fall, The climber falls twice the distance to the last piece of protection that was clipped onto (If they are five feet above a piece of pro, they fall five feet to be level with it, then there is five feet of slack in the rope, so they continue to fall another five feet. This, of course, ignores rope stretch, which is actually quite considerable).

In the event that the last piece of pro the climber built is insufficient to hold the force of the fall, it will pop out (a bad thing), and, hopefully, they will be caught by the NEXT piece down that was placed. However, this piece has to deal with the forces of an even greater fall. If the entire line of protection fails in a fall, this is called unzipping (a very bad thing).

Once the leader has finished their ascent, or this pitch of their ascent, the second, who has been on belay all this time, begins climbing, with the leader as the belay person, and as they climb, they clean all the pro off the face, that is, they remove any slings, nuts, hexes, or cams, for use on the next pitch, thus, hopefully, allowing a climb to occur without any damage to the rock face at all.
Protection is also a term in economics:

Protection is a series of measures taken by a country to ensure that one of its industries is still able to produce income. The most common measure taken is the imposing of tariffs on imported goods. This means that if there is a 25% tariff then a home grown company will effectively have 4/3 times as much to spend on the production of a similar good. The reason for protection is to ensure the survival of certain industries that are not operating at a competitive level at the moment, so that they may be competitive in the future.

The most commonly protected industries are infant industries, where without protection an industry will never be able to establish itself in a world market, and senile industries, which have been useful in the past but now are easily being undercut from abroad. Thus industries at both ends of their lives need protection if they are to survive. Without infant protection of industry it takes a truly exceptional company to be able to successfully start up.

Protection of agriculture in advanced countries is likely to occur because the demand for homegrown food is not growing at a sufficient rate to satisfy farmers. Imported food cuts even more into their livelihood, and so protection is introduced so that they will still make a living. In a way, this is a form of senile industry protection.

Album: Protection
Artist: Massive Attack
Label: Circa Records Limited
Year: 1994
Rating: 5/5
Summary: Beautifully understated, emotionally engaging, atmospheric.

I really like this album in the same way I really like Leftfield's album Leftism: it takes reggae and dub sensibilities - mostly a deep bass that envelopes you, coupled with generous use of the delay effect - and updates them to a mid-nineties style that still sounds great.

Another similarity that Massive Attack have to Leftfield is that they acknowledge the merits of songs over instrumental music without tying themselves to a single vocalist. This frees both bands to pick and choose from a variety of talented singers to bring a diverse range of vocals to their albums, and Protection is no exception.

In contrast to Leftism, however, this is much more downtempo, laid back and atmospheric. There are no pounding house beats - gentle sounding drum machines like the CR-78 get more of a workout than the more imposing TR-909 - and the synthesisers are used mostly to make shimmering pads, strings and deep bass. While this makes Protection excellent at providing ambience to a room, it's still got a lot of sustenance to offer anyone who'll sit down and listen to it with their full concentration.

Protection is a great example of how a little restraint can have a big emotional impact. From the piano melodies in Weather Storm and Heat Miser to the single note acid line in the background of the title track, this sounds like an album that was finished only when nothing else could have been taken out.

Massive Attack clearly know what popular music should be about: not pigeonholing music into genres, and not getting the mix to sound as loud as possible, but pairing music and words together to stir the emotions. Protection is as atmospheric as King Tubby's best dubs, yet as modern as Leftism. Unless you're adverse to modern music in general, you'll probably find something you like here.

One of the many keyword abilities (CR 702) in Magic: The Gathering that requires additional official explanation. As old as the game itself, it was introduced in Alpha and currently has evergreen status. See also: DEBT.

702.1. Most abilities describe exactly what they do in the card’s rules text. Some, though, are very common or would require too much space to define on the card. In these cases, the object lists only the name of the ability as a “keyword”; sometimes reminder text summarizes the game rule.

Read on.

CR 702.16.

CR 701. Keyword Actions        CR 703. Turn-Based Actions

702.16a Protection is a static ability, written “Protection from [quality].” This quality is usually a color (as in “protection from black”) but can be any characteristic value or information. If the quality happens to be a card name, it is treated as such only if the protection ability specifies that the quality is a name. If the quality is a card type, subtype, or supertype, the ability applies to sources that are permanents with that card type, subtype, or supertype and to any sources not on the battlefield that are of that card type, subtype, or supertype. This is an exception to rule 109.2.1
702.16b A permanent or player with protection can’t be targeted by spells with the stated quality and can’t be targeted by abilities from a source with the stated quality.
702.16c A permanent or player with protection can’t be enchanted by Auras that have the stated quality. Such Auras attached to the permanent or player with protection will be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. (See rule 7042, “State-Based Actions.”)
702.16d A permanent with protection can’t be equipped by Equipment that have the stated quality or fortified by Fortifications that have the stated quality. Such Equipment or Fortifications become unattached from that permanent as a state-based action, but remain on the battlefield. (See rule 7042, “State-Based Actions.”)
702.16e Any damage that would be dealt by sources that have the stated quality to a permanent or player with protection is prevented.
702.16f Attacking creatures with protection can’t be blocked by creatures that have the stated quality.
702.16g “Protection from [quality A] and from [quality B]” is shorthand for “protection from [quality A]” and “protection from [quality B]”; it behaves as two separate protection abilities.
702.16h “Protection from each [characteristic]” is shorthand for “protection from [quality A],” “protection from [quality B],” and so on for each possible quality the listed characteristic could have; it behaves as multiple separate protection abilities.
702.16i “Protection from each [set of characteristics, qualities, or players]” is shorthand for “protection from [A],” “protection from [B],” and so on for each characteristic, quality, or player in the set. It behaves as multiple separate protection abilities.
702.16j “Protection from everything” is a variant of the protection ability. A permanent or player with protection from everything has protection from each object regardless of that object’s characteristic values. Such a permanent or player can’t be targeted by spells or abilities and can’t be enchanted by Auras. Such a permanent can’t be equipped by Equipment, fortified by Fortifications, or blocked by Creatures. All damage that would be dealt to such a permanent or player is prevented.3
702.16k “Protection from [a player]” is a variant of the protection ability. A permanent or player with protection from a specific player has protection from each object that player controls and protection from each object that player owns not controlled by another player, regardless of that object’s characteristic values. Such a permanent or player can’t be targeted by spells or abilities the specified player controls and can’t be enchanted by Auras that player controls. Such a permanent can’t be equipped by Equipment that player controls, fortified by Fortifications that player controls, or blocked by Creatures that player controls. All damage that would be dealt to such a permanent or player by sources controlled by the specified player or owned by that player but not controlled by another player is prevented.4
702.16m Multiple instances of protection from the same quality on the same permanent or player are redundant.
702.16n Some Auras both give the enchanted creature protection from a quality and say “this effect doesn’t remove” either that specific Aura or all Auras. This means that the specified Auras aren’t put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. If the creature has other instances of protection from the same quality, those instances affect Auras as normal.
702.16p One Aura (Benevolent Blessing) gives the enchanted creature protection from a quality and says the effect doesn’t remove certain permanents that are “already attached to” that creature. This means that, when the protection effect starts to apply, any objects with the stated quality that are already attached to that creature (including the Aura giving that creature protection) will not be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. Other permanents with the stated quality can’t become attached to the creature. If the creature has other instances of protection from the same quality, those instances affect attached permanents as normal.

1 - 109.2. If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes a card type or subtype, but doesn’t refer to a specific zone or include the word “card,” “spell,” “source,” or “scheme,” it means a permanent of that card type or subtype on the battlefield.
2 - 704.1. State-based actions are game actions that happen automatically whenever certain conditions (listed below) are met. State-based actions don’t use the stack.
3 - Seven cards: Hexdrinker, Perch Protection, Progenitus, Teferi's Protection, The One Ring, The Stasis Coffin, and Vexilus Praetor as of today.
4 - Two cards: Guardian Archon and True-Name Nemesis as of today.


This writeup is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy.
Neither approved nor endorsed by Wizards.
Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.
©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Pro*tec"tion (?), n. [L. protectio: cf. F. protection.]


The act of protecting, or the state of being protected; preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance; defense; shelter; as, the weak need protection.

To your protection I commend me, gods. Shak.


That which protects or preserves from injury; a defense; a shield; a refuge.

Let them rise up . . . and be your protection. Deut. xxxii. 38.


A writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest; a pass; a safe-conduct; a passport.

He . . . gave them protections under his hand. Macaulay.

4. Polit. Econ.

A theory, or a policy, of protecting the producers in a country from foreign competition in the home market by the imposition of such discriminating duties on goods of foreign production as will restrict or prevent their importation; -- opposed to free trade.

Writ of protection. Law (a) A writ by which the king formerly exempted a person from arrest; -- now disused. [Eng.] Blackstone. (b) A judicial writ issued to a person required to attend court, as party, juror, etc., intended to secure him from arrest in coming, staying, and returning.

Syn. -- Preservation; defense; guard; shelter; refuge; security; safety.


© Webster 1913.

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