Merkuns note: all places are in New Zealand
Paula Gillon ran for election recently to the North Shore City Council for Harbour Ward, and the Birkenhead Community Board, under the slogan "The Naked Politician". Her promotional billboard featured the 18 year old daughter of former Alliance politician Mark Gillon on a bed in lingerie, with the words "Honest, Reliable, Caring, Trustworthy" alongside, as well as the aforementioned slogan.
(Currently, the billboard can be seen at
This attracted criticism from Council members, saying it cheapened the election. However, in the election, Paula gained 4172 votes, enough to be elected to the council, the youngest councillor in New Zealand's history. She failed to be elected to the community board with 3135 votes.
Her policies were:
Say 'No' to Unnecessary Consultants
Consultants fees are high and we are the ones who are paying the price. Only if it is absolutely necessary should Council hire outside advice. Councillors have been elected to make these decisions themselves, not pay someone else to do their jobs for them.
North Shore City: G.E. Free
The North Shore doesn't need to wait for the Government's decision on this issue. Let's become a Genetic Engineering Free City and lead New Zealand towards a better, safer future.
More Youth Facilities and Involvement
As the youngest member on the council I would bring a new perspective to all issues. Young people on the North Shore should be consulted by council on vital youth facilities. I support a Youth Council on the Shore along with Youth Representatives on all of the Community Boards.
Better Public Transport
Our roads are clogged and the answer to this problem is improved public transport. The North Shore City Council should further subsidise local transport agencies to encourage a cheaper, safer and more reliable integrated transport system.
Sources:, Shore News