Tile World is an emulator for the many-platformed game Chip's Challenge, first conceived in the middle of 2001, and can be modified or distributed under the Gnu GPL. It is intended to be a portable program, allowing those who have not played one of the two versions of Chip's Challenge to enjoy both; the program can be installed on a Windows machine or a Linux machine (but it hasn't been compiled for the Macintosh yet). It has been developed at the annexcafe.chips.challenge newsgroup, mainly by Brian Raiter, with a lot of bug-finding and artwork creation done by Anders Kaseorg. In Tile World's's current release (version 0.10.6), the program is able to emulate almost perfectly both the Lynx and Microsoft game logic systems (though not at the same time; the two game logics are mutually exclusive). It allows you to switch between different level sets for the game, and keeps track of your best times, allowing you to playback your best solutions for a level. Here's a list of the major versions released, in chronological order:

So far there have been 24 revisions (not all are listed above), with the program reaching "alpha" status at version 0.5 and public release status at version 1.0.

In case you want to try out Tile World, it can be downloaded from Brian Raiter's website at


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