- escutcheon
- Escutcheoned
- The Blotted Escutcheon and the Soiled Ermine
- reverse Polish notation
- Reverse Psychology
- reverse engineer
- Reverse
- Reversed
- reverse transcriptase
- Reverse Prince Albert
- reverse Turing test
- reverse culture shock
- reverse causality
- reverse engineering
- The Reverse Pity Sequence
- reverse video
- Do Not Reverse, Severe Tire Damage
- Scene in reverse
- Reverse Polarity
- Reverse Nightmare
- reverse temporal justification
- reverse commute
- Reverse Genders Where Appropriate
- The Infernal Reverse Beep
- Cops in Reverse
- reverse complement
- Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
- reverse racism
- Polarity, Reversed
- reverse the polarity
- Reverse DNS
- reverse osmosis
- Feline Reverse Comfort Syndrome
- Reverse Cascade
- reverse fountain
- reverse spin
- reverse research
- Reverse games
- Reverse trick-or-treating
- Reverse Quine Perl
- Sonnet Reversed
- Reverse poisoned horizon
- Reverse cowgirl
- Reverse Proxy
- Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true
- reverse auction
- reverse tailgating
- reverse metering
- Reverse swing
- Does cruise control work in reverse?
- reverse echo
- No Bobolink -- reverse His Singing
- The Seasons Reverse
- reverse lookup
- reverse telecommuting
- Reverse Curve
- Reverse Training
- Reverse Darwinism on the Internet
- reverse dictionary
- Reverse underground railroad
- reverse mortgage
- reversed field pinch
- reverse hegemony
- Reverse SETI
- Shot Reverse Shot
- Pygmalion in reverse
- King Midas in Reverse
- Reverse cuisine
- reverse peristalsis
- Reverse Inclination basing
- Monkey trial in reverse
- Reverse Labouchere System
- On a lark, I reversed the gravity
- A long way down reverses eventually
- Reverse ferret
- Reverse Lottery
- Love In Reverse
- Reverse Convertible
- reverse 12-step program
- if all of your nerves fired in reverse, you would die instantly
- Moving in reverse, living backwards
- reverse placebo effect
- SUB TO FB Reverse (user)
- Reverse Dicking
- Reverse air flow
- since then it's been a book you read in reverse
- Sanguine
- Sanguine (user)
- sanguine entity (user)
- Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno
- Ecclesia abhorret a sanguine
- Sanguine Eyes (user)
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