- Then the walls started to bleed again and I just KNEW I'd be the one cleaning it up.
- Often I feel like I am just shouting my observations into a raging storm and no one hears
- Be a model or just look like one
- when my time is in the past, i hope my heart lays in the grass, and feeds another one who lives like it's all just begun
- Just One Of Those Days
- Crazy Is Just Like Anything Else
- The one thing I wanted more than anything was for someone, just once, to tell me they don't know what they'd do without me
- Let's get just one thing straight
- And then God laughed like Hell
- There was just the magic I'd brought and laid there over the years, piled up in the corners like twinkling dust bunnies
- Are you on drugs or just having one of those days?
- You won't live longer, it will just feel like it
- The small victories are just are valid as the big flashy ones
- No One Sang Like Michael
- To the world you're just one person
- This castle looks a lot like the old one
- She just stares at us like we're crazy
- No one will ever love Adam for his honesty. It's just not there
- I don't want a million women. I just want one.
- Just to see what it would be like
- Let's undress just like cross-eyed strangers
- just like everybody else, we will find a way up.
- Just Like the Fambly Cat
- Be Yourself, said the buxom blonde. Just Like Everyone Else
- just like mom used to make
- I liked the one with the whales
- sometimes one just had to acknowledge a banana isn't an egg
- one thing just tears him down
- One more day like today and I'll kill you
- and then, one morning, I realised I had been an adult for a while
- And then one day you wake up
- tag after one like a tantony pig
- we're part of something bigger than any one of us. i just feel lucky to have been chosen.
- In the future, hairstyles will be just like they are now
- Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone renounced violence forever?
- 1,340,666 women just like me
- The Firestone dealership was full to the brim with cars. But I reasoned I would need a boat, since my desire was to go to Ireland. Just then a harsh reminder surfaced; water is expensive in hell.
- we always knew we'd find someone just like you
- Just because I like ballet it doesn't mean I'm a poof
- Innocent, just like OJ!
- Jesus was a reactionary reformer, just like Martin Luther in later years.
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- you just hauntin 'round like a shadow now
- Dead in California just feels like lonely somewhere else.
- Death arrived shortly thereafter, but we were both far too busy to bother with one another just yet
- One year, just.
- just like my father
- I keep thinking I'm so tough but I rarely care enough to prove it. So am I really tough then? Or does every dog just have its day?
- Just One
- What it is like to go without and then, to not, even in a small way
- If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- More kissing? More kissing? No one likes kissing this much!
- Be different, just like everyone else
- Looking like a pirate is fun but only having one eye annoys me
- "You've never danced with anyone like me before," the angel and the devil said to one another.
- i kissed her one last time, then walked out of her life forever
- one by one their blades will grind to a halt and stand still like a white forest.
- I'm not really a secretary; I just play one at work.
- i wish i felt like teaching today, but i just want to be selfish
- If you're not The One, you're just another Zero
- it's just one of those nights..
- And then I will just slip away
- I just called to say your brother fucks like a mink
- I just happen to like apples and I am not afraid of snakes
- Just Like Larry
- He needed to repeat some well-used mantra of love just one more time
- Just one more
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- The kids round here look just like shadows, always quiet, holding hands
- We like seeing ourselves in the mirror. Circuitry is just the newest reflective material.
- Thinking you know more about computers than the tech you just called
- Bikes need regular service just like cars
- One must trust in the law, and keep within the heart the knowledge that the law of this world is the same right and just law that governed us when we were merely stars.
- In their Disneyland are there kids just like this?
- Just Like Mom
- Just a collection of ones and zeroes
- She kissed me gently, just once, then walked away crying
- Not Just Like a Pill: Paternal Attachment and Spiritual Development
- So I'm wrestling with the demoness while the priest is trying not to soil his vestments, and Faust is just sitting there like an idiot
- I realize that just because I like something a lot, it doesn't mean it is of high quality
- Just Like Heaven
- Just Like Snow
- Just Like Honey
- Just For One (user)
- That was what her hunger was like: mesmerizing, directed, floating like a public secret just under the cloud cover.
- Just one of the cooks on the Titanic
- Looks Just Like the Sun
- just one second hold (user)
- Just because you both have the same problem does not mean you are one another's solution
- Just like you
- I just submit to one or two days of horror for going out and playing at being a normal functioning person
- ultimately, i just like you. more than anyone.
- not like the shoe and not like the ring but just like the heart
- i might look like a grown person, but i'm just a tiny confused scientist
- just like the smooth kindness of your eyes
- now he just uses one he saw on a grave
- Sometimes it feels like we are more than one person
- I am a Pokemon and I flew like one
- If the only sexual organ you have is a penis then everything looks like a vagina
- There are many like it, but this one is mine
- just like the seed, i don't know where to go
- Just like tomato soup
- i like the treetops, cause they're reaching just like me
- No One Likes Superman Anymore
- Don't misunderstand this one, it was like palm against palm through a window
- I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee
- Like most of my dreams, that one was licensed for commercial use
- Killing one's family and then killing oneself
- Fake proof that if one person in a room is a redhead, then all the people in that room are redheads
- Condensed life in a can, like the ones you buy at grocery stores
- But if life were only moments, then you'd never know you had one
- i kept dreaming of a world i thought i'd never see, and then one day i got in
- How can one ever go home? Bangkok, Tokyo, Chicago, then Cleveland
- if dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts
- My Snuffleupagus smells like CK One. This does not disturb me.
- Yeah? Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
- Now that there is no hell, evil folks like you just get reincarnated as McDonald's register jockeys
- Just as I am, Without One Plea
- I just couldn't work like that
- just kidding
- Just
- Just being quiet and close
- Can we all just get along?
- Just say no to TV
- I don't want the world, I just want your half
- This is Just to Say
- They leap just because they can, out of joy
- Don't Sit Next to Me Just Because I'm Asian
- Just because it happened to you
- All in all, you're just another brick in the wall
- Girls who want to fuck, just to fuck
- we just can't give 'em away!
- 'just woke up' voice
- just a life-support system for a penis
- Did my pussy just run into you?
- It's just not cricket
- Just Say No to Dubs
- Am I insane, or is it just wishful thinking?
- You just cut that guy off
- just a guy (user)
- I just wanted to destroy something beautiful
- I just bought real estate in your mind
- My Very Energetic Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Pies
- Things you can tell just by looking at her
- All we need is just to be
- just plain wrong
- Punk's not dead, it just isn't feeling well
- Just before you make that next move...
- Yet another vegetarian meal that isn't just brown gack
- I'm just so tired of waking up all alone
- Why don't you just rip my heart out, it would be quicker and less painful
- Prolific? Maybe. It could just be the mania.
- Ack! Do not cook this! I am just noding this in a state of shock!
- Tomorrow's just an excuse away
- Just try to avoid the wracking temptation to eat raw cookie dough
- By the way, she has a penis; just so you know.
- And yet another vegetarian meal that isn't just brown gack
- it's just as true as the news
- How to tell a girl just wants to be friends
- How to tell when a guy just wants to be friends
- How to tell when your dog just wants to be friends
- Just don't expect me to understand
- Just because you should do something doesn't mean you can
- Sometimes it's not political correctness, just respect and caring for others
- just a night
- That's not ironic; that's just bloody stupid
- You can't tell sleep where to go
- I just want to fix all the broken little humans
- ...Then Came a Supper Worse Than Death (Love and Tolerate This Mess)
- I knew that. My brain just chose to withhold that information from me.
- Everyone is just trying to be farther meta
- I just need a hug, is all
- Most of the time I just sit there, waiting.
- I never lie to you, I just allow you to misunderstand me
- I just won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's!
- History is not just for the past, but for the future
- he just died
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