- a constant, low wind trembles through him, catching his words and sending them out into the world
- Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over, they're done
- Things people put up their butts
- They Shall Beat Their Plowshares Into Swords
- Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces
- Everyone tells their own story with them as the star
- I'm going to take five of those six exclamation points and drive them into the soft flesh under your fingernails
- You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make them biscuits.
- Do not put pets in the microwave to dry them
- What I really would like to do is put Everything into a drawer
- I will ask them all their dreams
- you can almost believe them, except for the look in their eyes
- By their fruits you shall know them
- E2 is like getting old, having friends die, and running into them on the street
- Beyond the Calculus of hidden meanings and symbols
- Viking raids
- I will put Chaos into fourteen lines
- How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms.
- I who put thorns on the briars and gave insects their sting
- Butterflies are passive aggressive and put their problems on the shelf, but they're beautiful
- Turning a call option into a put option (and vice versa)
- Writers don't look for their big breaks. They write them.
- You see them driving around, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes
- Listen to me, because I am in the soapbox. This is the voice of the soapbox. I am calling to you. Do you hear the sounds of my soaply siren song? My syntactically sweet strumming along to sequential sequestrations of symmetrically snakey st
- "The Americans in their wisdom have taken the heads off the pictures, enlarged them and superimposed them with the heads of animals and then strung them up all over the walls of the interrogation room," he said
- They Prayed to their Code To Give them Light
- Put them out with your vajra-shovel.
- Your beliefs are your concern, just please don't let them creep into our secular argument
- Do not put this product into the rectum by using fingers or any mechanical device or applicator
- Concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyperdimensional transform into three-dimensional space
- I was into them after they were hip
- Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite
- Beyond the Sea
- Beyond the Rim
- Beyond
- to infinity and beyond
- Visions of The Emerald Beyond
- Beyond the Mexique Bay
- On Beyond Zebra
- Batman Beyond
- Space: Above and Beyond
- Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond
- Beyond the scope of this course
- To Sail Beyond the Sunset
- Beyond Zork
- Beyond piercing
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity
- Beyond the Sun
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Beyond Civilization
- Beyond Belief: A Buddhist Critique of Christianity
- Beyond Belief: Why God Cannot Exist
- Beyond Belief: God or the Buddha - who is the Highest?
- Beyond Belief: God or the Buddha - who is the Highest? Part 2
- Beyond Belief: Fact and Fiction in the Life of Jesus
- Beyond Belief: A Critique of the Bible
- Beyond Belief: Buddhism - the Logical Alternative
- Beyond Belief: How to Answer the Evangelists
- Beyond Belief: How to answer the Evangelists. Part 2
- Beyond Belief: Conclusion
- burnt beyond recognition
- Beyond the pale
- there is a level in the world beyond the physical
- The back of beyond
- Beyond Good and Evil 31
- Gone beyond reasonable
- his ability to be stubborn beyond comprehension
- Beyond Words
- Beyond the Beyond
- Go beyond comfort
- An Artistic Analysis of 2001: A Space Odyssey - Act 4: Jupiter, and Beyond the Infinite
- Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
- Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker edit list
- Beyond Calculation, The Next Fifty Years of Computing - A Commentary
- Our love sustains me far beyond the gold horizon
- Far Beyond the Stars
- Beyond the Tesseract
- Beyond the Black Stump
- Wargames: The Match Beyond
- Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
- Beyond Vietnam
- Marx beyond Marx
- Just beyond the shadows of depression
- The GNU and the GURU Go Behind the Beyond
- a land beyond reality
- Arguments for the perceived impending invasion of Earth by atomic-powered Killbots from Planet X
- Styles of Beyond
- Bloodbath and Beyond
- Earth and Beyond
- Excess Beyond Consumption is Entropy
- Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
- Look beyond the storm
- Look beyond your education, child of mine
- Al di là delle nuvole (Beyond The Clouds)
- Ometeotl, beyond time and space
- Beyond Life with Timothy Leary
- Nuggets II: Original Artyfacts From The British Empire & Beyond
- It! The Terror from Beyond Space
- Beyond Fortitude
- Beyond the River
- Beyond whose nearness there is no beyond
- Gay rights in 2004 and beyond
- Beyond Good & Evil
- Wittgenstein and ethics beyond philosophy
- The journey beyond the Mirror Sea
- Beyond the Ruins
- The Secret Beyond Matter
- Little England beyond Wales
- Beyond the Farthest Precinct Annotations: Issue 1
- Choose Your Own Adventure 4: Space and Beyond
- Beyond The Mind's Eye
- A messenger from a terrible future beyond the moon
- The venom of my hate will live beyond the span of this universe to infect the next
- Far'n Beyond
- The Light Beyond the Darkness of the Hallway
- Beyond This Horizon
- Far Beyond Driven
- Beyond Asian (user)
- Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve
- Beyond the suns that guard this roost
- Beyond the Mountains of Madness
- Beyond the Mango Tree
- The -Ass Suffix and Beyond
- I want you to know who I am beyond my name
- Derek Conway and Beyond
- The Terrier from Beyond Space
- Beyond the Ecumenical: Pan-Deism?
- Beatnik Rutabagas From Beyond the Stars
- The Fruit From Beyond
- it's beyond all of us, and it makes me hold your hand a little tighter
- beyond portals of iron and jade
- Beyond Meat's Impossible Burger
- some people believe that they've given more to the world than the world has given to them
- The Path Beyond the Stars
- Da Bomb Beyond Insanity
- The Beyond
- Universes Beyond
- Inception
- The Inception Game
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- Into the Woods
- Do not go gentle into that good night
- Lila, an Inquiry into Morals
- whisper into the graveyard
- into
- My body falling into stars
- Wrapped in barbed wire and shot into the sun
- Assimilate your goldfish into Everything
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Into Battle with The Art of Noise
- Out of the blue and into the black
- Assimilate your attractive cousin into Everything
- I wish I could upload my brain into Everything
- Have you let Emacs into your heart?
- Snap into a Slim Jim
- Once More Into the Bleach
- Assimilate your sister's good-looking friends into Everything
- Run and turn into butter
- run into the ground
- wander off into otherness
- Christians don't believe that "being good" gets anyone into Heaven
- Did my pussy just run into you?
- Climbing a Stone Bowl into Fire
- Falling Into Infinity
- jump off into never-never land
- Is America turning into a country full of junkies?
- take into account
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