Today I received my GCSE results.

At 10:51 AM I arrived at school. At 11:35 AM I was allowed to enter the building where we could collect our results from. With me were, amongst others, Digital Goblin and Umeshu. It was chaos inside. Eventually I got the envelope with my results in it and took a look. I’m pretty happy with my results.

Anyway, true to my word, my results are:

I did better than I had expected in History (I got a C in the mocks) and Graphics (the teacher told us that we would all fail).

I didn’t expect to do as badly as I did in ICT. I was expecting a C/B. And I think I could have done better in Art (my target grade was A*), but B is a fine grade.

After that, there was some hullabaloo about signing up for the sixth form, and filling out forms for no actual reason (they were not collected in when we had filled them out). Then I went home to tell the family. On the way I stopped to buy One Quiet Night, and when I got home I found that 3 more CDs had been delivered from - Nice!