KANJI: GOU GAッ KAッ a (join, meet, fit, one-tenth)

ASCII Art Representation:

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          "%%"                    "%%"

Character Etymology:

Originally shown as a lid covering a round open object. Some feel this object is a container, while others see it as a mouth, to give the meaning similar to the Enligh term cap off a remark, i.e. to reply fittingly. It now means to join or to fit in the more general sense.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: GOU GAッ KAッ
kun-yomi: a ai

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: au an i ka kou goo ni ne ya ri wai

English Definitions:

  1. GOU: one-tenth; one of ten stations up a mountain.
  2. a(u): fit; suit; agree with, match, be correct; be profitable.
  3. a(wasu), a(waseru): join together; be opposite, face; unite, combine, connect; add up; mix; match; overlap; compare; check with.
  4. a(wasaru): get together, unite.
  5. gas(suru): join together; sum up; combine, unite, mix; agree with.
  6. a(i)-: joint; associate, accomplice.
  7. a(wase): joined together; opposite, facing.

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 715
Henshall: 121

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

合理 (gouri): rationality.
合戦 (kassen): battle.
(gouitsu): unification, union, oneness.

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