KANJI: NYUU i (enter, put in)

ASCII Art Representation:

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Character Etymology:

Often described as a person bending down to enter a primitive dwelling. However, older forms of this character show it to be the entrance to the dwelling itself.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: NYUU NIッ
kun-yomi: i(ru) -i(ru) -i(ri) i(reru) -i(re) hai(ru) hama(ru)

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: iri iru ni no riri

English Definitions:

  1. NYUU, JU, i(ru): go in, come in; flow into; set; set in.
  2. hai(ru): enter, break into; join; enroll; contain; hold; accommodate; have (an income of).
  3. i(reru): put in, take in, bring in, let in, admit, introduce, commit (to prison), usher in; insert, set (jewels); employ; listen to; tolerate, comprehend; include; pay (interest); cast (votes).
  4. i(ri): entering, setting (of the sun); audience; capacity; income]; beginning.
  5. -i(re): container, receptacle.

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 366
Henshall: 63

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

入り (iriguchi): entrance, gate, approach, mouth.
(jusui, nyuusui): suicide by drowning.
輸入 (yunyuu): import.

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