In cultural studies, a tactic refers to an everyday cultural practice that enable alienated and oppressed people to achieve practical kinds of power, without disrupting the established social order. According to Michel de Certeau, tactics are:
...victories of the 'weak' over the 'strong', clever tricks, knowing how to get away with things, 'hunter's cunning' maneuvers, polymorphic simulations, joyful discoveries, poetic as well as warlike.
Tactics create a transitory type of power, which de Certeau likens to "a rented apartment.... transforming another person's property into a space borrowed for a moment" - a momentary escape from the dominant order. A tactic focusses on divergent uses of existing cultural objects, rather than creating objects anew. Thus elements of consumption that highlight pastiche and bricolage such as fashion or music (especially punk and hip hop), are often analysed as tactics that subvert intended meanings and functions.

all quotes from Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984