From the depths of the United States the creature Homo Nodian emerged, migrating across Canada and somehow getting to Ireland and Britain. Various outposts were discovered as far afield as an island in the Indian Ocean, the pampas of Southern America and the land of the mobile phone, Finland.

To compile this population distribution of Everythingians I simply counted the entries in the Everything People Registry (No, I haven't got a life). If someone mentioned in their w/u that they knew of others from the same area, I included them also. I did not differentiate between those who stated they currently live in the area, were born there or simply stayed there for two days when they were seven. I figure it all levels out in the end.

Of the 35 thousand odd users just 876 declared their locations (real,past or spiritual) in the registry. For an estimate of the total number of users in a country, divide the results below by 876 (to get the fraction of users from that area) and multiply by 35416 (the total number of users at the time of writing). Mark Twain would make a snide remark here.

Declared number of users by country The Breakdown

United States

States with between 5 and 9 users (inclusive)-

States with between 1 and 4 users
Alaska,Arkansas**,Delaware,Kentucky,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,Oklahoma,Rhode Island,South Carolina,Utah,West Virginia,Wyoming

States free of users on the registry
Hawaii,Idaho,North Dakota,South Dakota,Vermont


United Kingdom

*The nodes Scottish Everythingians,Florida Everythingians and Finnish Noders provided me with a more comprehensive list noders from those places. These are the only cases where I used a source outside the Registry. If there are other lists of noders by country, please let me know

**Count amended due to information /msged to me