The Song of Ceber
Argument: With Therdy slain, his mother attempts to convince Queen Fyrness to execute Ceber for murder.
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The Trial
Fyrness daughter of Sindra
Granddaughter of Gem Ironsong
Begot of Sel
Begotten of Nelter
Begotten of Wyr
And more,
Gem Ironsong begot sisters
Sindra the golden and Hyrt
Hyrt the proud the dangerous
Hyrt mistress made many wasplets
One being Jeena Warsting
Jeena, Queen Fyrness’s cousin
Had only one child: Therdy
Jenna horse-killer strong fighter
Knew battle’s might
Many a campaign her cousin
The Queen and her pursued
They like sisters strove together
In their youth to unite the people
In blood-boltered battle-quests
They carved up the land
So furious their devotion
Some thought them actual sisters
Twins in combat cold killers
Fair fighters furious
Same in their desire for blood
Neither knew peace in those
Early days of warmongering.
When Jeena heard of her only son’s fate
She wept angrily
“The callous gods are coldly cruel
To kill my kin my child
But blood for blood must be paid
If Ceber thinks herself safe
She has underestimated my bond to the Queen
There are laws! Legitimate legal paths
Mandated magistrates to avenge murder!”
She gathered her supporters
To petition for Ceber’s punishment.
Noble Fyrness in dismay
Called forth Carapaced-Ceber
to hear Jeena’s challenge.
“Fyrness kin, queen, cousin
Today I find my Therdy dead
but not in battle or blighted accident.
By one of our own he fell
A wasp of Terite’s claim killed him.
Unbelievable and astonishing!
Have the battle shocks rattled Ceber Saber-rattler?
Has hemolymph hijacked her head?
Can she no longer tell enemy from friend?
It is a dangerous wasp who is so wild
Who kills kith and kin indiscriminately.”
Disheartened Fyrness fearing for Ceber
Knew her dismaying dark duty.
“Ceber,” said she,
“Tell me that Therdy still stands
Making his poetry that made us merry with laughter.
Give me an explanation
That I can confidently bring to my council.
I have known you a long time.
Never have you told me a lie.
So now truthful, honest Ceber
Break the spell, clear your name.”
Ceber’s strength lay with war
Not strength in her words
But fearing for her life answered,
“I do not know what happened.
I think he thought to attack me
I woke and he was on top of me
stooping to some shameful act.
I could not let him for my virtue was in danger
I fought him. He was no fierce fighter.
He had to know the danger if I woke.
Only in Elsalay’s madness
Could such a contest be conceived.”
“Liar! She lies!” Jeena knew fury
And could call it completely out of the air.
“My Therdy was gentle
He knew only peace, prose and poetry.
If Ceber Strong-armed, murderous Ceber
Thinks I believe my son capable
of such profane polluted acts
She herself is under a cruel
Spell of some sinister goddess.
There is only one punishment I will consider:
An eye for every faceted eye.
That old credo practiced
by every wise ancient who ever walked
Hymolymph for hymolymph
Let out Ceber’s yellow juices
So that I may drink to my son’s memory.
Queen! Answer me!”
Jeena’s followers cried for Ceber’s blood
Swept up by Takara they could not be satiated
While the goddess walked the crowd.
Fyrness was troubled.
Ceber was her second;
The most glorious shield-maiden under the banner
Shnon and her people would surely still rule the valley
If Ceber hadn’t harried the final hill
To kill Ceber would be a crime
What queen would wallow in that dishonor?
Not Fierce Fyrness famous for her fairness
The crown would be a better forfeit!
“Hear me, Kuroni!
People of the wind!
The barbarous ways are behind us,
Our ancestors knew punishments
The likes of which would widen our eyes
Scare us sleepless, senseless.
I am not willing to judge our own
by past cruel incredulous credos.
Yet we have a murder
And the murderer is known!
Do the people have a right to justice?
Our Therdy’s joy was song.
Ceber’s joy is battle.
But we cannot take that from her.
For all of life is
Brutal battle balanced on a needle point.
The Kuroni’s joy is flight.
Let me propose a peaceful compromise.
Clip Ceber’s wings and send her out.
Banished back to the waterless badlands.
She will never blot your sight, cousin.”
“Queen! Queen Fyrness, be merciful,”
Ceber said. “The single life of a
Clipped exile is no life at all.
I would rather be slain by Honorable Jeena
Than suffer shameful strides across the land.”
Jeena elated, “Even better. Excellent.
If she finds it a curse to walk forever
Denied the sky skimming desert
Then send her out with Therdy’s ghost
haunting her hard steps along the way!”
The world offers no favors.
The unjust bed in castles
While many die in the dust.
Ceber’s jeweled wings,
That caught the light in every cell
Orange as an October sunset
That once lifted her to the water-born clouds
Were clipped at the base
And given to wild-eyed Jeena.
Ceber in disgrace left.
The people entire watched her go.
Jeena jeering jovially.
The children trying to catch her covered eyes,
But Ceber kept them covered
Ashamed to look at even a wasplet
Queen Fyrness observed,
“Goddess, take pity on her.
Help her on her path.
Brighten her way.
Absolve her.
And may she come home one day.”
The Song of Ceber
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