I hit a girl

Not today, it's a long time ago (a year at least). But it's been coming back to me these days. I was at a party at a friend's house. Well, "house"... It's called "The Hole", cause it is a hole. It's falling apart.

Anyway, I'd had a lot to drink. There was a girl there, whom I instantly hated. From the minute I saw her. She had the correct mix of being annoying and wanting to talk to me. I would try to ignore her. She was also a feminist.

Now, I have nothing at all against feminists. equality is a great cause. But this one, she was just pissing me off. Not being able to ignore her (she kept going), we'd come to the topic of women being as strong as men. She would brag about how she could take a beating and not feel it. Literally telling me to hit her.

I refused. Said, "I won't hit a girl, even if she hits me". That didn't seem to put her off, she actually did hit me in the face. I was pissed and drunk, so I slapped her.

The room went silent. If I could, I would have looked at myself too. Then she laughed and said she had wanted me to hit her. I was puzzled and I think I hated her even more, then.

I'm pretty sure this is the single thing I'm the least proud of, and


Sure, downvote me. I'm a bad person.