still trying to write about adultery, i am reading all the badly-fated-relationship nodes i can lay pointer to...i am not looking forward to work tomorrow. i'm on *break* dammit! doesn't that mean i'm supposed to relax?! eh...i suppose i need the extra hours anyway. i think i'm teaching an html class this week...or is that next week...? bah. it's a free lunch, and that's what matters. i look around myself here in my little apartment, and realise that i'm still a kid (note the pokemon poster!) and somehow i live the life of a lazy god. and before you think it, i'm supporting myself,thank you. stream of consciousness persists, flowing no closer to mediaeval adultery and Beroul's Tristan... sigh. maybe when frater shinma gets home he'll have some ideas about the last 300 words of this thing... but i'll tell you, before i wrote this, i had no idea that C.S. Lewis had written a book about Love (The Allegory of Love). and the man makes some good points, too. i'd go on about it, but i'll leave the perspectives on love for another writeup...sometime, perhaps when i feel less like a rucksack full of onions. i should go beat my brain on this paper some more...