Like Hopkins, the University of Maryland is completely and utterly dominated by Pepsi. Pepsi has even broken the sacred link between McDonald's and Coke; the Stamp Student Union contains the ONLY McDonald's in existance that serves Pepsi. For those of us who prefer real soda, one must know the University like the back of their hand. To my knowledge there are four locations where one might obtain ambrosia.

Those places are...

  • The InCon: Go straight back from the entrance and look in the fridges that make up the back wall. It should be next to the Sprite and bottled water. Good luck getting there when it's open.
  • The South Campus Convenience Store: A similar tactic as described above; once again the Coke is located in the same place as the rest of the sodas in the wall-fridges.
  • Stamp Student Union: Located on the same level as McDonald's is a convenience store that supposedly sells Coke. Unfortunately the store never seems to be open whenever I walk past it; like most UMD-run locations the hours leave something to be desired. If convention remains true (Coke was sold in the old location), you can find the necessary beverage wherever they store the other sodas.
  • The ASME Lounge:On the first floor of Martin Hall (also affectionately known as the Engineering Building) to the left of the main entrance is a glass-enclosed room full of jaded mechanical engineering students lying on couches. In addition to a cornucopia of advice for young engineers, the room contains a nondescript white refridgerator right next to a Pepsi machine. The Pepsi machine contains a bright orange parking sticker on it, blazingly declaring that the machine is illegally parked. Ignore the Pepsi machine, and instead open up the fridge. Congratulations, you have now found the only source of Coca-Cola cans available on campus. Put 50 cents into the tray conveniently located in the freezer, and take your selection.

It should be noted that the rarity of Coke also makes certain drinks that much more delicious to UMCP students.