Drawn in 1513 by Piri reis, this map has been one of many maps found to be filled with information and accurate geographical data of areas which were, at the time, unexplored, if not undiscovered. The map is a compilation of many maps, some dating back as far as 4th century B.C., and most of those were based off of older maps still. The map is not drawn with the traditional horizontal and vertical lines forming a grid, but rather with a sequence of circles with lines emitting out from the center. This type of map was invented by Dulcert Portolano, and are often referred to as Portolan maps.

Some of the peculiarities on the map:
-Antarctica is accurately drawn on the map, this was long before Antarctica was discovered in 1818.
-The map is drawn of the actual land in Antarctica, without the ice sheet covering it. (This would have been impossible unless the ice wasn’t there)
-The map contains a wealth of information on South America; it accurately depicts the east coast, and the west coast, including the Andes Mountains, which had not been discovered at that time. The Amazon River is shown traversing through this yet undiscovered mountain range before heading east.
-The Falkland Islands appear at their proper latitude. These islands were not discovered until 1592.
-The map also shows a large island in the Atlantic Ocean to the east of the South American coast. There is no such island today. Located at the position on the map where this island is, 700 miles off the coast of Brazil and just above the equator, is the sub-oceanic mid-Atlantic ridge. At this position, the small Rocks of Saints Peter and Paul can be seen poking through the waves. Perhaps during the last ice age, the water was lower, and this piece of land would be fully exposed.
-South America and Africa are placed in their correct relative longitudes. This would be impossible before 1761 when John Harrison invented the first Chronometer, and yet the map was drawn in 1513.

While it is known that Piri Reis obtained maps from some explorers of his time (Christopher Columbus to name one), the majority of his maps are believed to have originally come from the libraries of Constantinople, where he had privileged access. In some bit of irony, his map was found in the rubble of the library in 1929. None of his original source maps have been found.

Reis was not alone in making maps that contained seemingly impossible information for the time. Other notable cartographers whose maps have been found to contain candid information include:

-Oronteus Finaeus – Drawn in 1531, also portrays Antarctica in a non-glacial state, with details of rivers and mountains on the mainland.
-Mercator – Shows many identifiable parts of Antarctica, including places such as Cape Dart, the Amundsen sea, Thurston Island, Cape Norviega, and several others.
-Bauche – Bauche was a French geographer who also drew startling pictures of Antarctica. However, it seems Bauche used maps from a much older source than any of the others listed here. Bauche's map portrays Antarctica with no ice on it at all. It shows the complete sub glacial topography of the continent.
-Zerro – The Zerro map accurately mapped and placed Nova Scotia hundreds of years before Columbus ever sailed.