It was a beautiful day when I got up this morning. Just the kind of day where you want to stay home and lay on the beach or something, but certainly not go to work. I could've slept for a few more hours, given the chance.

But, alas, it was not to be. I've been sick the past few days, with lymph nodes the size of bricks and tonsils like golf balls, so I couldn't go to school and work on my research project (see yeast genetics for some background info on that, if you care). Since I'm behind already, I couldn't afford to take more time off, so I made the trip down from Queens to good ol' Rutgers University.

Have I mentioned yet that by the time I left the temperature was already 75 degrees and climbing? It was great, until it hit 80-something, with no air conditioning in the car. My arms got a minor case of sunburn. What a way to start the day, huh?

Once I got on campus, I made the short walk from the parking lot to my building, and noticed a sign on the door as I walked in. The sign said something about the water main being broken, so there's no water in the building. Great. So I can't even pee. What else could go wrong?

Oh, wait, I forgot. There's no air conditioning in the building, either! Feh. And I can't go home, so I'm here sweltering and waiting for the right time to start a timed experiment.

At least I've got something to cheer me up. I'm not sure what, but I'll figure it out sooner or later.