...If your God chains all mankind to his will, to make the world into the paradise He orginially created...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God refuses to hold people accountable for their, and their ancestors actions...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God refuses to take responsility for the evil overwhelming the world and does nothing to wash it away...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God gives people no method of salvation...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God won't give you the means to defeat the people who are actively trying to wipe His followers off the face of the planet...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God holds nothing sacred, and no one accountable...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God never made anything miraculous happen...

Then not only might your God be evil, but also impotent.

...If you God wasn't willing to make serious, genuine sacrifices for your salvation...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God doesn't understand that by creating an infinite lifespan for the soul: he is destroying the ability of any action to be finite in nature...

Then your God might be evil.

...If you don't think your God will punish people who carry out evil deeds in his name...

Then your God is unquestionably evil

...If your God have never brought down megalomaniacs who suffer the delusion of hubris...

Then your God might be evil.

... If you can find genuine content in the correct doctrine of your God, without taking things out of context, that supports slave ownership, and rape as lifestyles...

Then your God might be evil.

...If your God never showed you the difference between right and wrong, and never held you accountable for any evil that you might have done in your life...

Then your God might be evil.