Though not quite the same as the binary clock described above, RSI Digital, based in Norway, does offer a binary watch. Starting at 25 US dollars, you can confuse the hell out of your less-enlightened cow-orkers. And they just plain look cool, even if you choose to leave the watch in its base 10 display mode.

The watch's display, instead of having dots, simply has a ones-and-zeroes time, like this:


Which, of course, translates to 13:11:32.

This version also incorporates the more mundane features most of us expect in a digital watch these days -- stopwatch, alarm, timer, and Indiglo-style backlighting that they can't call Indiglo because Timex probably trademarked the hell out of the name.

Refer to to buy one of these digital marvels for your own wrist. This is not a paid advertisement; I just think the one I bought is really neat.