On the table this morning, left by mi esposa when she got home from work late last night, was her store's promotional in-store copy of Ry Cooder and Manuel Galban's CD Mambo Sinuendo (1957 Cuban low rider growl, baby), now taken out of rotation for the requisite amount of time and unclaimed by anyone else and therefore mine. Er, ours.

We went grocery shopping in the morning. For lunch I made tuna sandwiches and sliced up an apple, and we took our lunch outside and ate by the pool in our apartment complex. After enjoying the sun for a while we walked to the corner 7-11 and got ice cream bars, eating them on the walk home. While Angela stayed home and read, I went out to see the new X-Men movie, stopping along the way at Old Navy to look at shirts (I want a new one for the upcoming bachelor party in Vegas.) In my opinion the movie ranged from pretty good to decent, with a few really cool fanboy moments. (I totally marked out over the appearance of Kitty Pride and the strangely non-Russian Colossus, the brief glimpse of Hank McCoy in a television interview, and Remy LeBeau's name on a computer screen.) I felt the bits with Iceman, Pyro, and Rogue were among the best, and Hugh Jackman is always great as Wolverine even if his name sounds like it should be some kind of dirty pun.

I returned to finish making my Mother's Day calls, do laundry, and wash dishes. Angela made yaki soba for dinner and we watched our Sunday night lineup of shows--minus Everwood, which was NOT repeated the way it normally is, presumably because Monday night's story was about abortion. I wish they'd given us some notice so we could have taped it on Monday. Anyway, the night's highlight was as always American Dreams. I read that it still hasn't really caught on with the public, and there's a chance it could be cancelled. I really hope not.

All in all, it was a good day.