In my previous daylog, I wrote that I was going to be putting an offer on a new house.

Well, that didn't happen. The "person" who was selling the house was just using my wife and I to get another person to pay more than his asking price. We got screwed out of a nice house an hour before we were to sign the contract. A friend of mine said perhaps it was fate.

Well, today we signed a contract to buy a different house. My wife has always loved this particular house, and she knew the owners well. It's a single level, but it is an acre that also includes a nice addition, all for me... a huge 60ft by 40ft warehouse, insulated, wired and heated. If our financing goes through (it costs a lot of money), my "detached playroom" would be bigger than the house we're living in now. I may start up another computer side business.

If anyone has any spare karma or good vibes, please send them my way. We sure could use them.