This was originally a pamphlet created and distributed by a Texas fundamentalist parents' group, for the purposes of fighting "humanism", which they see as a grave threat, claiming it removes values, preventing people from having a sense of right and wrong. It can be found on the internet at

Personally, I would find it downright hilarous if it wasn't for the fact that it is meant seriously. It looks more like a paranoid rant to me, reminiscent of Scientology's "everyone is out to get us" view. Notice the careful mention later on of how humanism is "anti-American". Disguising Right-Wing Paranoia as Religion, anyone?


Below are some basic beliefs of Humanism:


(1) Humanist Manifestos I and II, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY. The Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies, Freeman Digest, Provo, Utah.

Humanism Is Referred to By Humanists As A "Faith" And A "Religion":

It was declared by the U. S. Supreme Court to be a religion. Does this religion have effective Sunday Schools? Not exactly. It has effective Monday through Friday schools. That's right! Our public schools. Doesn't the Constitution require separation of church and state? Yes, indeed! However, schools are rapidly changing from their traditional education to "change agents" for Humanism. Who pays for it? You do!


How could such complex issues of Humanism possibly be indoctrinated into vour child in elementary or high school? NOT BY ACCIDENT. Under Lenin and Stalin, Pavlov developed the technique of conditioning dogs to bring about the desired results; and from this beginning, Humanist psychologists and behavioural scientists successfully developed techniques which can GRADUALLY CHANGE YOUR CHILD'S CONSCIENCE, PERSONALITY, VALUES, AND BEHAVIOR.

An extensively used technique is Values Clarification which can be used to convince the child that he has the right to develop HIS OWN personal values, free from parental influence and authority, free from religious influences. It can further convince the child that there are NO ABSOLUTES, NO RIGHT, NO WRONG. The child is told that whatever value he chooses is right for him, as long as he uses their seven-step method. To arrive at this values he is to:

  1. Choose the value freely. (Free from parental guidance and religious morals of right and wrong.)

  2. Choose from alternatives. (Choose from alternatives, including those DIFFERENT from parental values, such as to have premarital sex or not to have premarital sex.)

  3. Choose after considering the consequence. (What child can see far enough ahead to fully realize the adverse consequences of such a blind course of action?)

  4. Prize and cherish the value. (Cherish the value because his OWN personal feelings have guided him to choose what is most importallt to him.)

  5. Publicly confess or affirm the value. (Be courageous enough to bravely take a stand and to influence peers.)

  6. Act on the value. (If he chooses premarital sex as his values he is to take action and carry it out.)

  7. Act upon the value regularly. (Live by the value consistently to establish it as his chosen behavior. He does his own thing.)
Other Humanistic strategies for behavioral change are role playing, whereby the child acts out emotional situations such as conflicts with parents, also magic circles, value appraisal scales, questionaires, diaries, journals, public interviews, etc. Survival games and openended situations of "What would you do if ?" develop situation ethics, to say the least.

Whatever the strategy, the objective is basicallv the same -- to get your child to reveal his very heart, soul, mind, and even his subconscious thoughts before his peers and teacher. In turn the peer group openly discusses his personal feelings and values and challenges him to defend his values and how he arrived at parental and religious influence. A child's only defense for some values may be that the parents that he loves hold the same values. Thus, both the childs' and parents' values are subjected to open criticism from peers if his values differ from theirs. Skilled "change agents" (teachers) can manipulate discussions to create peer pressure for conformity to non-Christian standards. They have been known to intimidate slow conformers.

Values education frequently incorporates the above techniques and strategies with these issues:

Are these issues on which you want your child to choose his values, free from your influence, and free from any standard of RIGHT AND WRONG ?

Isn't it time to demand that Humanism be removed from our schools? Isn't it time for parents to demand that schools educate our children in academic skills instead of Humanistic values?


Determining the extent of Humanism in the school requires some detective work. Terms of designation are constantly changing. It may be called values education, valuing skills, values clarification, self-awareness, decision making, self-acceptance, interpersonal relation skills, etc. Films, textbooks, and library books frequently contain Humanism and provide excellent opportunities for open "hollest" discussion which includes teacher pressure and peer pressure. Curriculums often contain courses on Human (Humanistic?) sexuality and family living, or sex education may be sandwiched in with reading, history, health, biology, etc.

Note that textbooks and teacher's manuals are not essential for implementing Humanism. More and more teachers are being trained with our tax dollars to be effective "change agents" and to sneak Humanism into the classroom. They are encouraged to be "models" for desired behaviour changes. Fortunately, some schools and teachers are resisting the thrust of Humanism. However, some are rushing forward to create a new social order.


His conscience can be slowly remolded until ultimately he recognizes no need for God and parental values. Parents are portrayed as unloving, uncaring, and inadequate. Slowly, he is conditioned to view his parents with distrust and disrespect. Alienation often results. Serious emotional problems, serious moral problems, and serious spiritual problems often occur.


Examine vour child's library and textbooks for immoral, antifamily, and anti-American context. Arrange to view films shown in classrooms. Objectional material should be taken to the principal. If he is unresponsive, go to the superintendent, and then to the school board members, one at a time. If necessary, get the support of other parents to go to the entire school board. Voice your views to the state school board, state legislators, governor, and U.S. congressmen.

Teach vour child to recognize Humanism and its techniques and strategies. Humanism in the school is unconstitutional; and your child, as well as the teacher, should be aware of his constitutional rights of separation of church and state. President Carter signed into law the Hatch Amendment to the ESEA Acts. This Amendment gives you and your child protection from invasion of privacy. You may instruct your child to refuse to discuss orally or in writing, his personal feelings about his private life, social issues, or controversial issues. Discussing personal feelings of a third person, such as Jane or John, is another deceptive invasion of privacy

You may assure your child that refusal to discuss his personal feelings is not a symptom of mental illness. Role playing was developed for mental patients and criminals. Your child should be aware that role playing, games involving 'What would you do if ...?" and games involvillg suicide and mercy killings can cause emotional trauma. They should inform you when exposed to any Humanistic techniques or strategy.