Contrary to the snarky comments that I have occasionally received from Klaproth, I have never written a daylog before and I probably never will again (unless it is to contradict something that I write here today).

Here's the story: I am not feeling well. I have not felt well for a while. Recently, I have developed a pain in the area of what I suppose is my spleen. It really only hurts if I rotate my chest in a certain direction and it seems to be getting better, so maybe it's nothing. I really have no way of knowing; neither I nor my family has any health insurance and based on the money I have in the bank (or perhaps more appropriately, the lack thereof) I cannot afford to see a doctor right now. I am more than one thousand dollars in debt owing to a hospital visit from last year and I can't risk creating another financial strain on myself at the moment.

Why I'm writing this: I am worried that whatever this is might kill me. I can't do anything about it at the moment. If in the future you look at my "Last Seen" date and more than two weeks have elapsed, don't count on me to come back anytime soon. If that is the case and I don't respond to any messages sent to me, don't wait for a response (for the obvious reasons).

I have never been an advocate for socialized medicine. I guess this has to do mainly with the fact that I only ever went to the hospital a couple of times as a kid and, based on that, I became convinced that it wasn't really necessary. I'm not advocating it now either, simply because I generally don't think the United States government could be trusted to competently handle medical affairs. I do regret, however, that every other country in the industrialized world can somehow manage it and we can't even approach the topic. I'm hardly a liberal, but even I'm scratching my head over this one.

Anyway, the main thrust of this daylog: if I'm gone for a long time, I'm dead. I hope I can write another daylog in a week or two to say "everything is fine." I'm not whining or looking for sympathy, but just stating it as a matter of fact for those who might want to contact me but cannot for the reasons mentioned above.