
Now that things seem to be finally in forward motion for good, I suppose it's time to share the news.

Andrew (mcc)has gotten a fantastic job offer in San Francisco--he accepted, and starts on Jan 2. (He's actually telecommuting part time right now, as it is.) While the SF area is where we were hoping for all along, I don't think either of us expected him to have a need to be out there QUITE so soon.

With said change in schedule, we've decided on our course of action.

After spending Christmas with our folks, we will be having a small, immediate-family only wedding on the 27th, then driving on out to San Francisco.

I know there are many of you who will be disappointed, as you wanted to be there for the occasion, but between the short notice, how scattered across the country our friends are, and the move, we decided it was best to only have our parents and grandparents there, and none of our friends, to avoid hurt feelings and issues of "why did XYZ get invited, but not me?" We are fully planning on having a housewarming/we just got married party *in* San Francisco once we get settled in--probably in March or thereabouts.

We'll be living in corporate extended-stay apartment housing for the first month--neither of us were OK with signing a lease on a place we'd never seen--then moving into where we'll be for a while. I should have the apartment address in the next couple of days, which will serve as a mailing address for that first month, and as soon as we have a real address I'll post that. In the meantime, neither of our cell phones will be changing in the next couple of months, at least.

So that's where things are right now. Busy busy packing, as well as contemplating the fact we have to drive about 5 days with a hyperactive Sheltie and 3 cats in the car (two from Indiana-Texas, three from Texas-San Francisco). I think I'm insane to even try it >_<

Wish us luck--we'll need it to get through the next month or so.