A city about 30 miles East of downtown Los Angeles in California. Its nearby neighbors are Montclair (oddly enough), Pomona, Upland, and La Verne.

Basic information:
POPULATION: 33,998 (2000 census)
SIZE: 14.14 square miles
FOUNDED: April 1887
INCORPORATED: October 3, 1907
- from the Claremont City Website, http://www.ci.claremont.ca.us/

Considering how many colleges are found in Claremont, you would expect it to be a decent sort of "college town". Instead, it's more like a retirement community. Few of the "little family owned shops" are interested in selling to a student budget.

The Claremont Colleges, found here, are the undergraduate Harvey Mudd (HMC), Pomona College, Scripps, Pitzer, and Claremont McKenna (CMC). Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and the Keck Graduate Institute (KGI), a recently-established (and controversial) biotechnology institute, make up the graduate options. The non-affiliated Claremont School of Theology is to the north.

Random Fact: Claremont was also the endpoint of the 2,300-Mile American Solar Challenge car race in 2001.