Math team is an entertaining extracurricular activity at some high schools. I'm sure there are different versions in different areas and whatnot, but this is how we play it at my school.

Teams consist of eight individuals (any mix of male/female). Team One, the only team that actually counts for consideration in the team competition, has an additional restriction: there may be no more than four seniors on this team. The competition consists of five rounds, four individual and one team. All rounds last 15 minutes. All individual rounds have four questions, numbered sequentially, with values equal to their numbers. The first three individual rounds are conducted without the aid of calculators, with the last individual round and the team round allowing calculator use. The team round has six questions, each worth ten points. The entire team of eight can work together on these problems, turning in one answer sheet.

Questions are generally from the areas of problem solving, algebra, geometry, and logic. Winners in the individual contest are determined purely by their scores on the individual rounds, with separate prizes for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The team prizes are figured by adding the individual scores of all team members and the results of the team round.

Some people might not immediately think that math team would be a lot of fun. They have not experienced the social joys that is the math team meal that preceeds each monthly meet.