Real name: Henry Saari

He suffered a major financial setback a while ago, causing some serious problems for his porn star career.
Apparently his big porn film project was destroyed, and the cinematographer spent all the $$$ in alcohol, most likely hard liquor.

Like his fellow post-career celebrity Matti Nykänen, "Henkka" has also tried his luck as a pop singer. However, this hilarious project seems to be on hold at the moment. I doubt it could've worked anyway, since the audience actually threw stones at Henry during his first live gig.

His own actual words about the incident in a TV interview (loosely translated):
"It was a great gig! The audience was with me all the way! Well, there were those who threw stones..."

Update - March 26, 2001

Henry appeared as a "celebrity" guest in MTV3's version of TVTV! Chat last weekend. When asked about his current projects, he said he still has one pr0n title coming, which is currently being edited.
But the good news are still to come... After his last adult movie, Henkka is eager to embarass himself publicly again by continuing his music projects! I could only watch the dreadful program for a few minutes, during which he didn't give away too much information. But "new music projects" are said to be "coming soon". Since everybody likes to laugh, new releases from Henry the Great are greatly anticipated. :)