My girlfriend comes home today! So my girlfriend is visiting a friend in L.A. and has been gone 6 days. In my phone conversation with her last night she admitted that she has been stalking me online. She said I talk about her too much. So I'm making it a point to talk about her here.. ;-).

I skipped out on sleep for awhile working on code. I think I may be on to something. The app I'm working on is going to have a PHP server (basically a glorified webpage) and a C++ client. The server is running on the linux webserver and the client will run on windows machines. I am kind of excited, its crazy enough, it might just work.

Speaking of work. I sent email in response to a job ad I saw. It would be PHP work. The sort of stuff that I love doing but, may not pay as well. Its across the street from campus. I've been obsessed with the web for awhile but I don't really know if its a good idea to get into that field of programming right now. But application programming can be so boring! ;-). *shrug* bye..