I couldn't sleep. I'm up and some thoughts popped into my head.

... my dear friend ...

As you've noticed and quietly noted, I have a tendency to not react, at all, to important things that are said or done in a given moment. Sometimes they just don't sink in right then, or I'm just not prepered at all. And I don't end up returning the favor, compliment, sentiment or whatever would be appropriate for that moment. It's there in my heart but it just doesn't come to the surface immediately. When it eventually does, the moment is lost. Sometimes nothing needs to be or should be said, but not always.

The other day I was helping you with some errands. We were in the car about to drive off when you said "You've been good to me." I'm sure that's what I heard, sometimes I can't be sure. But I just kept backing out the car and said nothing. My reaction must have been so cold. I would have given at least a smile, but didn't. Or said something ...

Well, you've been good to me too, with your friendship, honesty, oddities, truthfulness, openness and with the way you care. You poked and proded at my little universe. And it's been nothing but good.

Well, there it is. A little thing that finally bubbled to the surface. Late as usual.