Short, unrhymed twenty-two syllable poems, written in five lines with 2, 4, 6, 8, and 2 syllables each. Invented by Adelaide Crapsey between 1909-1910, inspired by Japanese forms of poetry. Her form became known posthumously due to the efforts of Carl Sandburg and Louis Untermeyer. Crapsey's most famous work is called "Triad":
These be
Three silent things:
The falling snow... the hour
Before the dawn... the mouth of one
Just dead.
There are other variations on the form. American elementary school teachers often use a 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 word form to teach or reinforce parts of speech:
Line 1, the title, is a noun;
Line 2 has two words to describe the noun (adjectives);
Line 3 contains three action words (verbs);
Line 4 is a phrase that describe the noun, this phrase may contain an emotion;
Line 5 is a one word summary or a synonym of the first word. Example:
didactic, facetious
explaining, complaining, entertaining
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