Seventeenth album by Genesis; released November 1991. It was after this album and the ensuing concert tour that Phil Collins decided to leave the band, in 1993, although his decision was not announced until 1995.

The album cover and liner notes featured artwork by Felicity Roma Bowers. The album topped the charts in the UK (where it became the 9th-best selling album of 1992) and reached #4 on the US Billboard charts. It contained the following tracks:

  1. No Son of Mine *
  2. Jesus He Knows Me *
  3. Driving The Last Spike
  4. I Can't Dance *
  5. Never A Time #
  6. Dreaming While You Sleep
  7. Tell Me Why #
  8. Living Forever
  9. Hold On My Heart *
  10. Way of The World
  11. Since I Lost You
  12. Fading Lights
* - Indicates tracks released as singles
# - Indicates tracks released as singles later, around the time of the album The Way We Walk, Volume 2 - The Longs

Sources: We Can't Dance album liner notes; chart information from Genesis AtoZ,