I didn't know that guys could fake orgasms until I did it one time! It takes me a long time, especially if I'm nervous or it's my first time with somebody. So, there we were, and it seemed to me like she was getting bored. Or maybe I was just mortally afraid that she was getting bored, and projected my fears onto reality. So, I kind of changed the rythm of my movement, made an "oh my god I'm coming" face, and then slowed down and kind of relaxed. She couldn't tell the difference. Or maybe, she could tell and was just being polite. I felt resentful, but didn't say anything. Looking back, I was of course being an idiot. Faking orgasms is lame, and I'll never do it again, and I hope nobody does it to me (but I'm sure people have).

Isn't Everything great? Here I can say the most painful, wretched things about myself to hundreds of strangers and still feel okay about it. :-)