anger control is a must. at my job i have access to many innocent-looking objects which could be used to inflict serious pain upon annoying customers. when in a trying situation try to think of an activity which brings you joy and imagine yourself doing it. i like to imagine myself using innocent-looking objects to inflict serious pain upon annoying customers. this is probably not an ideal suggestion, but it works for me.

learn to smile. you don't have to mean it. i doubt i have ever been so overjoyed at work that i just had to express my feelings by smiling. the only time i came close to this was when my boss told me i could clock out 5 minutes early. even then i just sort of smirked.

become an expert at astral projection. this may sound like hard work at first, but in fact, you'll soon be doing it without even realizing it. i have many times thought myself to actually be in bed asleep only to find i have fallen comatose-like upon a pile of adult diapers.

when someone buys condoms, embarrass them by saying "have a good night" then quickly say, "oops...errrrr...i know...not....uh...heh."

repeat this phrase after me: thank you and have a great day/night. eventually this will become your most commonly used utterance.

time goes by faster when you mess with the customers' heads. sometimes a customer will ask you how your day is going. instead of replying with the obligatory "fine, thanks, and how is yours?" launch into a 3-hour dictation on the oppressive nature of capatlistic ventures such as the one you are currently employed at and how they are contributing to the degradation of society. segway into your unhappy childhood and bleak future and end it all up with a desperate plea for help.

when in doubt, smile and nod.

try not to listen to muzak. it just makes things worse.

spend as long as you possibly can straightening the store, and then try to beat your record the next day. it helps to purposefully knock whole shelves of merchandise onto the floor.

don't show the others how smart you are. just like in a pack of wild animals, if a group thinks one member has the potential to rule them, or in this case, improve their current working condition and encourage them to think, they will attack the individual. this might lead to possible termination of employment and subsequent rehiring after they realized that you are the only person who has any clue as to what you are doing.