You know you want to.

Write that comic book script.

The more BANG, POW, SOCKO!, the better.

The only limitations -- Our fair heroine is GammaGirl (obviously) who has likely gained her odd and freakish superpowers from exposure to radioactive cobalt.

Otherwise, you name the game. The gammacar, the gammacycle, the superpowers, the freakishly high electric blue leather ninja boots, the princess leia bikini armor.

Write it to amuse a grundoon who is going to be bed bound for a few days, and needs some light reading to get through steroid-ramped mega-insomnia. Preferably do not make gammagirl's head asplode, it's already somewhat explode-y enough.

Bonus points if she glows blue in the dark, has some seriously quirky powers, and if you come up with the most excellent sidekick and familiar.

This is for pure fun, points will be arbitrary and made up by yours truly and by Jet-Poop if I can rope him in as our local comic expert, wertperch because he's right here so I can bug him, The Debutante, who will judge for non-comic book writing goodness and fabulousness, and the lizardinlaw, who has read more X-men than YOU. Rewards may include a grundoon modified, blue-ified, boobie calendar postcard for a few lucky winners. You know the drill, folks. Let's have a little fun and anarchy. More volunteer judges needed, please apply.

Go. Write. Now.

Today until February 28. make it so.

So far -
Glowing Fish
BookReader GammaGirl, Nothing can slow her down (poetry)
Jet-Poop Gamma Blast wh00000t!
NanceMuse GammaRay-Blue Berry Buckle
Lord Brawl GammaGirl ooooo I want to see this one illustrated. Some day it will be worth a milyun BUX.

---that is all-----