Undoubtedly, Black and White Photography has its uses, and will look much better for a large number of themes than ordinary colored snapshots.

However, due to some factors inherent to our large scale economy, the costs for B&W film and it's processing may have become prohibitive for average home use. At least were I live, all the enlargements of a B&W picture have to be done manually, as opposed to a minilab's automatic color film processing.

There are three ways of getting through it, and have your B&W photos cheaper, or at the same cost than its colored counterparts.

  1. If you had gone digital for photographing, just bring the photo to your favorite image manipulation program, and reduce saturation to zero. It' quite simple, although I have not seen anyone doing it.
  2. There is a Kodak, the KODAK T400 CN film that although is Black and White,is made to be handled in the normal C-41 color film processing. This will leverage its handling costs to those of color negative printings. However, my only experience with this film was not quite satisfactory -the minilab guys failed to correctly calibrate their machine,so all my photos got a pinkish hue on them. They didn't look bad,but didn't look quite B&W either.
  3. Use a home made darkroom and process your own photos. You will have to spend a little time, and arrange an enlarger, but this is by far the cheapest way of making printed B&W photos (even digital will become more expensive, if you intend to put them in print). Besides, there is the unique experience of doing it yourself - having an option to choose zoom factor, contrast, framing for each photo, and them using any of many darkroom techniques.