From the writeup above: "SOY is "contaminated" with phytic acid, hemaglutin and aluminum".

This is actually true, but only "from a certain point of view". Most staple crops - the majority of the calories that keep humanity alive - contain phytic acid.

"Phytic acid, mostly as phytate in the form of phytin, is found within the hulls of seeds, including nuts, grains and pulses." (Wikipedia)

Diets high in phytates are usually diets high in nuts and whole grains, and these are usually well correlated with good health and longevity (e.g. the Mediterranean diet). saying that soy is "contaminated" with phytic acid is like saying that beef is "contaminated" with dihydrogen monoxide.

The main human problem with phytic acic - from any source, not just soy - is that it can inhibit the absorption of iron. This issue can be reduced or cancelled in several ways:

- preparation (sprouting or dehulling)
- cooking
- adaption (mechanism unknown - possibly from upregulation of phytase enzyme)
- have vitamin C in the same meal

Most of these are incidental; most people eating a lot of soy would be doing the last one already, just incidentally. That is, if you eat anything green or fresh with your source of phytates, the vitamin C in that food will boost iron absorption (or, more accurately: stop iron absorption from being inhibited).

The main animal problem with phytic acic (from any source, not just soy) is that it reduces the FCR, feed conversion ratio, harming profits. Since almost 100% of all soymeal goes into animals via feed lots, this is, for the soy producers, a much bigger issue. For this reason, a lot of money is being sunk into developing low phytate crops.