sheep are behind the green glass door, but cows are not

tree is behind the green glass door, as is grass, but leaves are not behind the green glass door.

hoopy_frood is behind the green glass door, but theonomist is not.

fission is behind the green glass door, but fusion is not.

ottoman is behind the green glass door, but loveseat is not.

hawaii is behind the green glass door, but vanuatu is not behind it.

drunk and not keen on standing up and this wasn't how it was supposed to be are behind the green glass door, but The world breaks everyone is not behind the green glass door.

communism is behind the green glass door. Capitalism is not even behind it.

letters are behind the green glass door, but the alphabet is not, and manuscripts are not.

the green glass door is behind the green glass door, and so is the johnny johnny woops! game (whatever that is) but four is cosmic! and the psychiatrist game are not.

moon is behind the green glass door, sun is not.

goddesses are behind the green glass door, but gods, nymphs, and satyrs are not.

CentrX is not behind the green glass door, and neither is /dev/joe, though IRL, /dev/joe actually IS. Makes you wonder what else he's lying about.

Mississippi is so behind the green glass door, it's not even funny. So is Massachusetts. Uzbekistan is not behind the green glass door.

bray is not behind the green glass door, but braaaaaaaay! sure is. (got it now?)

you are not behind the green glass door, and neither am i. unless you are yossarian or jessicapierce, or one of any number of other noders that actually are behind the green glass door. Hopefully, by this point, you know who you are.

This is another one i have my sister to thank for.