When I was in high school, one of my highly conservative non-smoking friends asked if they could have a ride home from school. "Sure," I said. "But I'm going to warn you right now that I smoke in my car. If you're okay with it, then I don't mind." She agreed profusely that she wouldn't mind me smoking, as long as I rolled down the windows. That done, I lit my cigarette and started driving. After about three minutes, she stuck her head out of the window and pretended to make gagging noises for the rest of the ride home. What the hell??
My point is this: If you don't like people who smoke, don't put yourself into the situation. When you go into a restaurant, you have OPTIONS. If you sit in the smoking section, or near it, and you don't smoke, you have no right to complain, since it was you who decided on sitting there. So unless you have reason to complain, like someone sitting down next to you and blowing smoke in your face repeatedly without you asking them to do so, please keep your comments to yourself. I go outta my way to keep to myself when I'm smoking in public, don't make all of us out to be evil just because you've had a bad incident before.