Talking of 'funky' postcards, I used to work for an advertising company in the UK called "FreeCards" whose sole function was to sell such postcards to advertisers.

It was quite a cool, well paid job and we got to keep postcards of varying degrees of funkiness, ie: furry ones, 3D ones, heat sensitive ones, pop-up ones, die-cut ones, mirrored ones, artistically beautiful ones, ones with free gifts, competition ones, concertina ones.

It was quite interesting (for a sales job, anyway) and paid sooo well.

In my time I sold such postcards to Nike, Coca-Cola, Smirnoff, British Telecom, Sega, Ubisoft, Budweiser, Adidas, Casio, Kelloggs, national newspapers and magazines, and just about anyone else you can mention.

The production of the cards was all paid for by the client, produced by an external printer on our behalf for very little money, and all we had to do was get distribution companies to display them in racks that we bought (again at a very minimal cost) in cool bars and restaurants who fell over themselves to put out racks up for free because they looked good.

Easy money!!!

Then I packed it all in to go travelling and came back and sold my soul to the devil for a fast buck.
