It's finally finished. I have spent waaaay too much time working on this one metanode which seemed like a good idea at the time I thought it up, but now is of dubious merit (I'm not going to name it, for I do believe that nodevertising is a nasty and brutish habit). It was interesting (and by that, I mean interesting to me) to follow my emotional development over the last ten days as I worked up this node.

  • Phase 1: Giddy excitement, as I figured that I might have hit upon a subject needing organization in the E2 database. I also figured that it might help me find the holes in the information contained therein for future noding purposes.
  • Phase 2: Mild shock over the sheer amount of information contained in E2. Initial discouragement, but pluckiness of spirit helps maintain courage.
  • Phase 3: Frustration and anger of the number of redundant nodes and amount of frivolous information contained in ~85% of the nodes visited.
  • Phase 4: Fear and loathing towards the metanode, as it spirals out of control. Serious consideration of scrapping project, erasing file, formatting hard drive in order to prevent recovery and further wasting of time.
  • Phase 5: Sheer stubbornness and anger maintains focus, determined not to let 15 hours of work go down the tubes.
  • Phase 6: Development of intense dislike for Aesop and his f-ing fables, all of which contain some reference to the subject matter in question.
  • Phase 7: Wistful pondering of the use of similie and metaphor, and why metanode subject matter is so heavily used in aforementioned literary devices.
  • Phase 8: Nearly post-orgasmic let down as metanode is posted
Now, to see if I can pull myself out of the ditch and into the real world. Perhaps a quick walk might help....
